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  • Britten, Four Sea Interludes

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    I had made this mockup for the old VI libraries, and now wanted to readapt to the newer VSL Synchron libraries. While I let it decant, I'll send it into the wild to grasp the first impressions.

    Britten, Four Sea Interludes - Dawn


  • An engaging piece, and very nicely rendered by you Paolo.

    I recall hearing this quite often on the wireless in my young days so I guess it's probably his most popular work. (I can't think of any other works of Britten that I care to listen to for more than 10 seconds - he's usually way too geekily atonal for my taste. Lol.)

    The flute seems to have a bit of a 'sore throat' at times, but other than that I enjoyed it all through. Well done!

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    Thank you very much, Macker! While Britten is not my preferred composer, he had some incredibly high moments, of which the Sea Inteludes are probably the most perfect ones.

    @Macker said:

    The flute seems to have a bit of a 'sore throat' at times, but other than that I enjoyed it all through. Well done!

    That's an interesting note! I'd be happy if you could say something more about what can be improved!


  • Not sure what the 'sore throat' noise is but it disrupted my engagement with the music. It's high-mid-ish frequency and quite harsh; clearly noticeable between 0:54 and 1:05 secs.

    My first reaction would be to try a dynamic 'notch' filter on it, or a de-esser might also do the trick.

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    @Macker said:

    Not sure what it is but it's high mid frequency-ish and quite harsh; clearly noticeable between 0:54 and 1:05 secs.

    Great catch-up! I'll examine that kind of things in the piece.

    Coming back to the musical qualities of the work: I’ve grown by the sea. In a different time and country than Britten, but in the same continent and with a similar type of sea resort.

    Despite being so stylized, I feel the sea in these interludes.


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    @Macker said:

    Not sure what the 'sore throat' noise is

    I guess it was a bit of an abrupt change in timbre when jumping between two dynamic levels. I've tamed it a bit, and it's now probably less apparent, or removed. Thank you for finding it!


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