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  • Synchron Power Drums MIDI question

    Hi everyone - I am new to these forums.  I am a hobbyist who likes to write, as my profile name implies, cinematic pop.  I just downloaded and installed Synchron Power Drums.

    When I play any of the MIDI loops, I would say 90% of the sound from those loops comes out of the left monitor.  When I pan to the right in my DAW, the right side is basically an ambient sound of the drums.  Am I missing a setting somewhere or are all the MIDI loops pre-panned to the left and there is nothing I can do?


    Thank you.

  • Welcome cinematicpop, 

    Our Synchron Power Drums offer 3 drum sets that have been positioned in 3 locations in the hall. So depending on which drum set you have loaded, you will hear the position... and you can always change the mixer preset for each instrument with the mixer presets provided in the MIXER browser. 

    Does that help?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:

    Welcome cinematicpop, 

    Our Synchron Power Drums offer 3 drum sets that have been positioned in 3 locations in the hall. So depending on which drum set you have loaded, you will hear the position... and you can always change the mixer preset for each instrument with the mixer presets provided in the MIXER browser. 

    Does that help?



    Thank you. Yes, I realized that is what was happening.  Just a couple of follow-up questions:

    1-So, when you say I can change the mixer preset for each drum kit, does that mean each drum kit can be to the left/center/right?  

    2-When I drag the 3-kit MIDI into my DAW and create three tracks, which kit is supposed to be assigned to which MIDI?


    Thank you - I appreciate it