Hi - I am bringing on an assistant for a project and we will be using Logic and a common VEP7 server file. That part is working fine. Within the VEP there is one instance containing a VI Pro instrument (Flute I), which I have customized. When he loads the VEP (and therefore the VIPro instance) all the boxes in the Matrix come up red. We tried the library manager fix, but the cells will still not load.
I own the Download version of Flute I (02D Flute-1) but he seems to have a different version (hard copy ? not sure). We did find a way to get it working: dragging his patches one at a time into the cells. But curiously some of the patches have different names. It is critical that the instrument respond identically on both our setups. I'm not confident that all the customization that I have in my preset is intact (I don't remember if I did any editing on the patch level)
Is there a better way to go about this? A way that would ensure 100% compatibility?