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  • Selecting and editing more cells at the same time


    I'm reorganizing some of my Synchron presets, and would like to move some groups of cells into a different branch.

    Is it possible to select multiple cells, and drag them to the target destination?

    At the moment, what I'm doing is copying and pasting, then deleting, single cells. It's very time consuming, and being able to do what I describe above would make the process much faster and easier.


  • Hi Paolo, 

    You can always select the parent slot and copy that one. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thank you Paul. I will have to still do some cleaning, but this may actually be faster than my current method.

    I would file a feature request for multiple selecting and editing, however!


  • Paolo, your editing reminds me of the first technique I developed to achieve orchestral intonation with sample libraries. Instead of pitchbending standard ET-pitched samples as I do now, back then (20 years ago) I pre-tuned every sample and used multiple sample players, such that one of 3 pre-tuned orchestral pitches for each keyboard note was selected as required.

    (Using that technique I mocked-up Wagner's Isoldens Liebestod, closely modelled on a Karajan recording. A friend couldn't always tell which was which when I flicked back and forth between my mockup and the recording without him seeing what was playing. But to be fair, he's a lead guitarist, lol.)

    I abandoned the technique when I saw that the necessary sample editing would soon become too horrendously tedious to do, as sample libraries became ever more sophisticated in terms of articulations.

    Today, however, Synchron Player's Dimension structure and controls offer some superb advantages that didn't exist back then. I see that it might indeed be feasible to use that pre-tuned-sample technique again now.

    Is something like that what you have in mind now with your editing? Hope so - it would be a great adventure and a super benefit for notation app users!

  • Macker, nothing so sophisticate. I’m just making my own presets for the Synchronized Woodwinds, trying to create a single schema working for all.

    I have actually completed them, apart for the way of selecting fast repetitions. Whichever my decision, I'll manage them better by having them in a separate branch.

    As of now, I’ve set them in a row making room for individual tempi, from 120 to 230. The unique expression map will be able to select exactly the precise tempo.

    I would have liked to do the same with dynamics lengths, but these vary too much, and creating such a structure for all the presets would be too much work. So, I’ll simply use an abstract system of numbers selecting a cell, that will be different in the score for each instrument. In Dorico, an add-on technique called '1' will select a value of 1.5 seconds in an instrument, and 4 seconds in another one. Or, as a faster alternative, it will be a set of techniques called 'f.rep.1', 'f.rep.2', and so on. Not a big hassle, since these things are used sparingly.

    This looks like a rather elegant solution to me, so much that I’m thinking to apply it also to the fast repetitions.


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    @Macker said:

    achieve orchestral intonation with sample libraries. Instead of pitchbending standard ET-pitched samples as I do now, back then (20 years ago) I pre-tuned every sample and used multiple sample players

    (In any case, applying pitch bend to each individual note from Dorico to the Synchron Player will be possible, as soon as either Steinberg adds Pitch Bend events to the expression maps, or VSL adds any CC as the source for Pitch Bend.)


  • Blimey, Paolo! Lol. I've absolutely no idea what your new presets schema is or might be but it seems very sophisticated! Hope you soon get your concept up and running - and without wrecking your eyesight, lol.

    On the topic of intonation, I've always felt .. erm .. astonished that notation app developers have not seen fit to intone rendered notes as spelt in the score. As I see it, those apps offer, besides beautifully engraved staff notation, little more than a narrow evolution of the mighty Wurlitzer cinema organ, using modern sample sets rather than synthesis for rendition. It's just so very last century. Anyway, hope you get the additional MIDI controls you need from Steinberg and/or VSL before long, and then blaze the trail!