When asked about using the Auto Speed parameter of Synchron Player, or Dorico's Note Length parameter, Andi answered this way:
@andi said:
Doricos note length parameter in the expression maps has the advantage that the durations (and articulation selection) are know in advance. The Auto-Speed option in the Synchron Player can only react to MIDI signals it gets. So the articulation selection is always based on the previous note.
While I've made all my expression maps for Dorico based on the Note Length parameter, I also had to discover that things may become less clear when dealing with pieces at different metronome times.
For example, a 16th note may ask for an Agile articulation in a Presto, while play better with a Bold articulation in an Adagio. The Auto Speed parameter in Synchron Player can deal with this, even if the first note of a group will always be played with the Bold articulation.
In other words, time is always a great mystery for a human being! How better would it be, if the next time frame could be predicted?