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  • DSP-based VEP Plugin for New Pro-Tools Low-Latency Mode

    Hi there

    I'm hoping Paul will see this and respond.  I write and record in Pro-Tools HDX and have a super-powerful template running on VEP7 with PT 2021.6 on a Mac Pro 7,1.  PT 2021.6 has introduced a fabulous new DSP / Native Track-toggle mode that allows the user to place a track into a low-latency mode by effectively flopping the processing from the native world onto your HDX cards on a track-by-track basis.  Fabulous.

    BUT, you have to have BOTH Native AND DSP Flavours of a plug-in available if you don't want the plug-in to be deactivated in DSP Mode and vice versa.

    IF there was a Vienna Ensemble Pro Plugin available in DSP format, i.e. that runs on the HDX card, I'm assuming that I'd be able to have super-low-latency midi and audio between PT and VEP on a particular channel when recording.  This would be a total game-changer for me and everyone else I know who writes on PT.

    My question to Paul and the team is: Could a DSP version of the VEP Plug-in be made available fairly swiftly so we could take advantage of this new feature in PT?



  • Hi Tony, 

    Thanks for posting. 

    I'll check with our developers and see that we can add your request to our wishlist, if it's technically possibly. 
    Don't hold your breath, our schedule is very busy right now... and I was hoping for a quiet summer... 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Tony, 

    Just heard back from our developers, and you have to love the bluntness: "Not possible" :-)

    Sorry to have no better news. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL