1) The Septime 1 1/7 is not really there for me. I say "not really" because there is a blank space in the GUI where it should be, but all that happens when I select it is that is goes red (see attached pic). Is there also a library update for this? I couldn't see one in my download area.
2) It would be great to have a means of selecting stops individually apart from NRPNs, BUT controllers are not much use because they are not channel-specific and, as I've said before, there aren't enough controllers to allocate one to each individual stop. In a multi-timbral source, you really ought to have most things channel-specific - if the stop selection were channel specific then there would be more than enough controllers to go round.
3) I can't seem get the stepper working. Not really important for me as I spent my entire organ-playing career on organs without steppers so I don't miss it, but several other people rate this feature as important.
4) The octave/sub-octave/unison off mechanism is still not manual-specific. Well, maybe you are still working on that :)
All of that said, combinations are looking good, and I really like the Clear button (it should be called "General Cancel", but "Clear" is shorter and simpler). And if I had to rate the Great Rieger Organ, I'd still give it at least 6 stars out out 5!
[EDIT] Forgot to mention the high-contrast option - much better for me with that enabled!