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    Here you go, it turned out to be fairly logical in the end. I had to change the file extension to .txt, so rename it to .csv and then you can open it in a spreadsheet and sort the columns how you want.

    [EDIT] Just for clarification, the numbers in the left column are the ones in the VST parameter name, which is "Enable Stop n". To get the actual raw VST parameter number, add 911.


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    @Angelus said:

    Here you go, it turned out to be fairly logical in the end.

    Thank you kindly! I've got some real work to do first, I'll play with this soon.

  • You're welcome. Just check out my edit above first.

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    @Another User said:

    [EDIT] Just for clarification, the numbers in the left column are the ones in the VST parameter name, which is "Enable Stop n". To get the actual raw VST parameter number, add 911.

    I didn't need to add 911. I just chose CC xx and mapped that to 'Enable Stop 1' and lo and behold the Hauptwerk Principal 8' toggled on and off. The problem I was having was that the stop number you see when you display the stop info is not the same as the stop number in 'Enable Stop X'. Your chart takes care of that mapping.

    Thanks again!

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    Glad to hear it helped.

    Despite Cakewalk's "documentation", I've now got stop selection via MIDI working. It's going to be a bit laborious to set up for each stop individually, though, which is why I still think the player should have the ability to map each stop to something like an NRPN according to its displayed stop number by just checking a single box in the options.

    [EDIT]To quote someone on the Cakewalk forums, "A lot of VST's use NRPN's for their automation parameters" 😉

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    @badibeat said:

    I was listening to the Big Fugue in G Minor demo, and it made me sad that it sounds so static.

    Well, like the other guy said, there are ways to manipulate the organ based on lengths of notes.  Take another listen, and aside from the different combinations, you will hear different approaches to the fugue subject depending on where they take place in the piece.  👍

  • Hi Stephen,

    I wonder what version of the Fugue this is. Years ago I played this piece (it was one of the pieces that made me fall in love with the organ and especially Bach's music for the instrument). From about 3.40 there are substantial differences between the version that I played (and heard from many others) and the version you play.

  • I was wondering when someone was going to catch my changes in the various demos. ;)

    It's the same kind of things I did in the Beethoven piano sonata or Chopin demos... random modulations, or in this case swapping voices here and there.  Just little jokes for me.  But of course I make sure that the spirit of the library comes across.

  • Okay..... Well, sorry to say for you, but my unspoken feeling was that your version was an early version, that definitely needed some amelioration in the eyes of Bach.... but that makes sense with a genius like him 😉

  • MMKA, oh don't worry.  I'm making no claim that these changes are "good" or better... just that they are little jokes.

    Maybe just consider it my best Cameron Carpenter impersonation. ;)

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    Hi everybody,

    We just released a software update for the Vienna Organ Player, with new features and some bug fixes that will come in handy!

    Fabio Amurri has also created a video about his 5 Favorite Features of the Great Rieger Organ, and you can check out a video that takes you through the new features of the software update right here.

    Of course there's also a changelog available and we have updated the online manual.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • 1) The Septime 1 1/7 is not really there for me. I say "not really" because there is a blank space in the GUI where it should be, but all that happens when I select it is that is goes red (see attached pic). Is there also a library update for this? I couldn't see one in my download area.

    2) It would be great to have a means of selecting stops individually apart from NRPNs, BUT controllers are not much use because they are not channel-specific and, as I've said before, there aren't enough controllers to allocate one to each individual stop. In a multi-timbral source, you really ought to have most things channel-specific - if the stop selection were channel specific then there would be more than enough controllers to go round.

    3) I can't seem get the stepper working. Not really important for me as I spent my entire organ-playing career on organs without steppers so I don't miss it, but several other people rate this feature as important.

    4) The octave/sub-octave/unison off mechanism is still not manual-specific. Well, maybe you are still working on that :)

    All of that said, combinations are looking good, and I really like the Clear button (it should be called "General Cancel", but "Clear" is shorter and simpler). And if I had to rate the Great Rieger Organ, I'd still give it at least 6 stars out out 5!

    [EDIT] Forgot to mention the high-contrast option - much better for me with that enabled!


  • Hi Angelus, 

    Thanks for the feedback!

    1) Please save your current state as a user preset, then reload that user preset - do you see the new stop now?

    2) You could work on different MIDI channels for the different manuals. 

    3) Stepper: What did you try? Clicking on it / or on the corresponding keyswitch should work right away.

    4) Still on the list, that's correct.

    Happy to see that you still like the organ!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • 1) Yes, that mostly fixed it. The button is still dark red when the stop is selected, but it does sound now. Thank you!
         [EDIT], sorry, I have to go back on that as I was just holding down a chord and then enabling/disabling various stops. So if I hold a note and enable the Septime then it sounds, but if I release the note then it keeps sounding. If I enable the Septime with no keys down then I don't hear it at all when I play. Let me try deleting the presets completely and re-installing.
         [EDIT 2], no, that didn't seem to make any difference.
         [EDIT 3] If I make a completely new project in Cakewalk and add the GRO, the Septime is no longer a strange colour or with sticking notes, and mostly it works but sometimes it doesn't sound at all! So I need to do some more experiments.

    FINALLY - I worked out what is wrong - the Septime is sounding on the Solowerk MIDI channel, not the Schwellwerk! [EDIT] looks like this will be fixed in the next release.

    2) But I do. I have the Hauptwerk on channel 1, Positiv on channel 2 and so on. Yet if I allocate a stop on the Hauptwerk, say, to CC 80 and then a stop on the Positiv also to CC 80, if I send CC80 to channel 1 to enable the Hauptwerk stop then the corresponding stop on the Positiv is also enabled.

    3) After saving and loading the preset the stepper now works too!

    4) Thank you.

    And how could I not like the GRO? Now I can play it much more like a real organ than ever I could with the VI version, it brings tears to my eyes quite regularly.

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    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thank you VSL people for this update. I tried the latest build 1.1.200, and voilà:

    • Possibility to use key velocity (Settings/Engine)

    This feature is really nicely implemented. I also like the Velocity Floor setting for key velocity.