Can trombonists render the exact just major third of a Cb major triad (which would mean playing a syntonic comma down from Eb, i.e. "Eb–", where "–" denotes the nominal Pythag note is flattened by a syntonic comma)?
In this case the score would of course show the notes Cb, Eb, Gb.
In theory at least, as a concert note in a major triad given to the trombones section to play in harmony, this written Eb would be rendered very nearly (within a couple of cents) the same as Fbb in standard staff notation. I know Fbb is extremely exotic and don't suppose it's ever seen as a written note in western orchestral repertoires. But on the other hand, am I right in thinking that trombones are uniquely well equipped to render this "Eb–" pitch reliably as a concert note?