I did look at the Blue Cat website and was very interested in Patchworks. It seemed to me, given the reported GUI issue within VEPro, that a standalone version of Patchworks with another network audio solution would be ideal. Dante audio networking would also be ideal, but the price of admission is prohibitive to me at this point. Here is a crazy thought, I noticed VEP input and event plugins were available within Kushview, but Elements does not allow audio to pass through the VEPro firewall (I suppose it the ports are simply not connected). Thinking outside the box, what about using VEPro plugins within Bidule as a means to create audio nodes for FX loops?
In the meantime I will look into coaxing Plogue to allow a trial version of Bidule and also see about a trial version of Patchworks.
Here is a short video I made of me playing my rig for your amusement. 😊