So here's another possible way to work to consider...
You could use a separate VePro instance for each "specific" FX instance.. And then in the main DAW you are using you switch which VePro plugin instance depend on however you want to do it.
For example...
let's say you have Kushview sitting as a plugin in Your DAW. (not in Vepro) Inside that plugin you have 5 instances of VePro plugin. Y
ou could have those in one big graph or they could each have their own graph. Let's take the latter situation. Inside Kushview you have 5 graphs, and each one has a single VePro Plugin, which is connected to its own devoted instance on VePro server.
Now Kushview can respond to PC messages in your DAW and that will cause the appropriate graph to be loaded, which will point to the particular VePro instance you want...
Just generally moving the ProgramChange switching out of VePro and into your DAW may open some options, so long as you don't need to a actually get more midi into the FX plugin..beyond switching the preset. For example a few rare FX plugins use midi to manipulate their effect in real time, such as Stutter Edit. That's a different problem. But if you just need to be able to somehow use PC message to choose which FX preset...then perhaps by using the DAW to switch which VePro instance its routing can accomplish that.
just thinking out of the box...