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  • VePRO 7 "Instruments" screen not displaying


    I have been setting up a Server Project on VePro 7 on my Slave PC. All is well until today where I cannot get the Instruments Screen to display on any of the Instances, only the Mixer screen. There was a tab at the bottom where you could switch between the two, but now its gone. When I click on Instruments in the VIEW tab or press F4 shortcut, it doesn't display.

    I checked another Server Project that I was testing my connections with and the Instruments screen displays in that one when I press F4 or click on it in the VIEW tab.

    Did I accidently press something to stop the Instruments screen from displaying possibly? I have restarted my PC as well as VePro 7 but still the same. I need to be able to see my patches for the Midi Channel number to setup my Cubase template.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Best regards!


  • Hi Don, 

    Did you try to reset the windows yet? View => Reset Windows. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL