So this is scary!
Can you please provide more details..
We have 3 vePro elicenses on 3 usb dongles
In fact we purchased 3 steinberg eLicense dongles to make vePro work just this year.. we did so becuase we felt VSL had matured enough to risk purchasing addition computers and a high speed NAS for our sound libraries.
We currently own 1 iLok dongle and last time we checked (Pro tools), iLok does not let you share licenses across computers on iLoks, and our other 2 vePro servers are in a closed network with NAS that we prefer to keep closed. (exception yearly fw update if we think its useful)
So how is this gonna work? Is there a deal in the works with the folks over at iLok, or will you be providing the additional iLok dongles that your vePro customers will eventually need free of charge, at a discount, or what?
We like VSL, but we feel forced to look at other alternatives should this licensing move cause vePro not to work as expected.
We have experienced no vePro licensing issues that we are aware of.. so what is so broke that it requires this type of fix. Perhaps there are issues with vePro or VSL products that we are not aware of..
FWIW our hope is that this move that you make sound eminent and rushed, will be years down the road, and phased in carefully!