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  • Hi all, 

    Download and installation went well and smooth. However opening my template doesn't work. It takes a lot of time for some instruments and eventually hangs forever on another one. I have tried different scenarios : 

    - With elicenser+ilok plugged and all sample paths properly defined, the template never opens. It hangs with no response from VE Pro at some point (no disk, cpu or internet activity)

    - With elicenser+ilok plugged and no sample paths defined (to bypass the load and go faster), I am able to open the VE Pro session and save it. I disconnect elicenser, reboot my system, reassign sample paths. The session is not loading, same issue as the previous scenario. If I remove the sample paths, it opens, and I can see a CPU increase of around +10% compared to my a elicenser configuration.

    What can make VE Pro to hang that way ? What is it doing in the background,  or checking, or converting ?

    I am confused because I am using VE Pro with many instances and all instruments have custom presets. Any impact ? I am also having around 200 Track Presets defined in Cubase, pointing to VE Pro (decoupled) for each instrument with custom presets. Am I supposed to load all Track presets one by one with elicenser plugged, do something like resaving Track Presets, custom presets in Synchron player... ? Seems like if I don't resave the Track Presets with elicenser plugged, I get an 'invalid project' in VEP and elicenser error message. So would be great to know what to do in details since it is a large scale and time consuming activity and I have already lost 2 days and a night on that :)

    FYI - I raised a ticket with my full template in VE Pro + Cubase 12 project.

    Thanks a lot in advance,


    Edit - I have just tried to rebuild my template from scratch (elicenser+ilok plugged). I am adding my Cubase Track Presets one by one to build my template. VEP hangs at around instance 40, my existing template works with 112 instances with no issue. There is clearly an issue in the way VEP manages/converts the presets (or anyone other thing influencing the load - but it always hangs at different places with different instance)

    Edit 2 - I have rebuilt one third of my template (around 40 instances), elicenser unplugged, only ilok. I am getting up to 40% usage for one single instance in VEPro, overall 50% of the CPU (see screenshot : If I load the same 40 tracks in Cubase directly and Synchron Player, I get 10% of CPU usage (see here : With only Track Presets with non VSL instruments, the overall CPU usage is as high. I give up... there is something I have no control on, VEP seems to be the bottleneck is all scenarios... Help !

  • Hi UDun8

    If your computer is NOT connected to the internet, you'll need the eLicenser key with your licenses connected to convert your projects. Once they are saved with your iLok software, this will be fine. 

    If you're online, this is happening automagically. 

    Could this be the culprit?

    You can and should contact us directly with any specific questions, best with a detailed description of the troubles you are experiencing, steps on how to reproduce them and your projects included. 

    The better we can reproduce, the faster the fix!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thanks Paul. When the elicenser is not plugged in and I am connected to the internet, I get an invalid project error in VEP + elicenser error (see here : ). With elicenser plugged and internet, it took 3h30 to open it in VEP. When saved and elicenser removed, the same slowness is happening. It is hanging forever. With NO internet and NO elicenser, VEP opens the template and hangs in the middle. I don't get what roles elicenser, ilok and internet play and when in the entire process. I really suspect that this version of VEP has problem managing a big number of instances (>40) or there is a time out somewhere, a conversion... I don't know what, but it was working before. 

    But this is still not clear to me if I am supposed to do any manual action to resave Cubase Track Presets pointing to VEP, as well as custom presets in Synchron Player alone. VEP sessions fine I can resave but what about other components pointing to VEP or used within VEP ?

    How do I know if I have fully moved to ilok with no background conversion happening ? Down the road I don't want to have a component causing me an issue. This is very confusing, we are supposed to move to a dongle free model and I am lost with 2 keys (elicenser and ilok) not knowing which role they play in the process and if I am fully moved to ilok or dependent on the internet for some endless conversion. 

    Ticket raised yesterday with all details and project files.

  • One small question concerning other changes introduced at the same time but related to moving licenses across to ilok:

    In introductory material I recall reading that single-instrument standard VI libraries are to be discontinued. I have a few of these. Does it mean I have to pay an upgrade fee (for the full library) to get the license moved to ilok?

    Thanks if you can enlighten me, just to help working out a rough cost.

  • Hi Firefrost, 

    We have indeed removed the Standard Library VI Single Instruments from our portfolio, but you will be able to use them with iLok just as you did with eLicenser. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • I want to congratulate VSL on what proved for me to be a fairly easy, successful transition from eLicenser to iLok. It was a two-day project because of my provider's slow internet speeds but also because I wanted to babysit the parceling out of installations to particular SSD's, so I did no overnight fire-and-forget downloads.

    Great job by VSL, and I like the Vienna Assistant.

    Hobbyist Sy Woods, Brass, Perc I, Str Pro, Elite Str, Duality Str & Sordino, Prime Syz Woods, Perc, Solo Str, Ch Str, Orch Str, App Str, Harps, Choir, Dim Brass, Dim Strings VE Pro, MIR Pro 3D, Vienna Suite Pro Cubase 13, Studio One 6, Dorico 5
  • I just got my transition email today.  Will have several days of downloading to do, but so far its going very smoothly and I have to say I'm quite impressed with the Vienna Assistant...this will be a much much nicer way to keep on top of updates and download VSL products.  It also helps me to understand what I don't own, which I'm not sure is good for me, hahaha, but anyway, just want to say, nicely done....this is a very thorough changeover, well done VSL. 

    I'm also very happy to read that iLok will no longer require the license protection plan...this is a very very welcome change also.

    Well done VSL.

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    @Dewdman42 said:

    I just got my transition email today.  Will have several days of downloading to do, but so far its going very smoothly and I have to say I'm quite impressed with the Vienna Assistant...this will be a much much nicer way to keep on top of updates and download VSL products.  It also helps me to understand what I don't own, which I'm not sure is good for me, hahaha, but anyway, just want to say, nicely done....this is a very thorough changeover, well done VSL. 

    I'm also very happy to read that iLok will no longer require the license protection plan...this is a very very welcome change also.

    Well done VSL.

    I don't recall Vienna requiring a license protection plan for the Vienna Key - that was always optional. And iLok never required a license protection plan. The ZDT on iLok is completely optional as well but if you value your investment in software it's the cheapest insurance you'll ever buy at $30 US per year. I have 2 iLoks and each has their own ZDT coverage.

  • Just got my first update notification in Vienna Assistant. Really appreciate not having to check MyDownloads to find out if there are any updates.

    Hobbyist Sy Woods, Brass, Perc I, Str Pro, Elite Str, Duality Str & Sordino, Prime Syz Woods, Perc, Solo Str, Ch Str, Orch Str, App Str, Harps, Choir, Dim Brass, Dim Strings VE Pro, MIR Pro 3D, Vienna Suite Pro Cubase 13, Studio One 6, Dorico 5
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    @Paul said:


    That shouldn't be the case, transition should be automatic.
    Please check that VI Pro shows up in Logic's Plug-in Manager (maybe you need to validate it manually). 

    If that's not the case: Can you please send us your project, so we can look into it?


    I downloaded the new updates and I'm happy to say the transitions are now automatic. Thanks!  

  • Hi everybody,

    Thanks for the great feedback!

    A new version of the Vienna Assistant is now available (restart it for automatic updates), with silent installation of all software products (and updates here as well).

    Remember: We're just getting started!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:

    Hi everybody,

    Thanks for the great feedback!

    A new version of the Vienna Assistant is now available (restart it for automatic updates), with silent installation of all software products (and updates here as well).

    Remember: We're just getting started!


    Is silent install supposed to be an option? If it is I don't see it. And I don't see an 'update all' selection - is there supposed to be one? Or do I just click on download/install for one and everything gets updated?

    edit for additional:

    This new Assistant version doesn't seem to be working right. I click on update and it starts downloading and then just sits there seemingly doing nothing. When I click on the OSX Dock I see an 'application not responding'.

  • Hi, 

    Silent installation is now included automatically.
    "Update all" is not integrated yet, you need to install each software individually for now. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:


    Silent installation is now included automatically.
    "Update all" is not integrated yet, you need to install each software individually for now. 


    Thanks for the reply. Thankfully I had the downloaded installers as Vienna Assistant constantly froze/locked up requiring a 'force quit' in OSX..

  • Any ide when a VST3 Apple Silicon version of VEP Pro 7 will arrive?

  • Hi, 

    No idea, but a lot of hope. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    Moving to iLok for those with 1 or 2 licenses is probably a good idea. BUT for those of us (such as large server studios) with many VEPro7 servers, the move is financially constraining and offers very little benefit in return.

    Here a link to a thread I started on VSL today, concerning this issue: How long will eLicenser be supported + why spend £500 on new iLok dongles for zero benefits?

    To solve this, VSL will need to provide networked iLok licensing, similar to that provided by Avid on iLok.



  • Ever since Vienna Assistant went to silent install I've been having issues with it. Running OSX 10.13.6. Sure it downloads each item as you click on it. If you then go to the page to install each download there's an activity indicator spinning in the Assistant gui and OSX puts up a windows asking for my system password to do the install and that's not the issue. The issue is the activity indicator just cycles and cycles and cycles and nothing gets installed. Or at least there's no indication that the install has been done. I end up having to force quit Vienna Assistant and manually install each update myself. Thankfully that works.

    Also not a fan of the Vienna Assistant automatically updating itself. I've been bit too many times but something like this that installed an update my system couldn't use. Please go back to a system that allows one to update the Assistant if one wants to. And PLEASE fix the silent installer routine - it's broken.

    Right now Vienna Assistant is only good for letting one know about updates and downloading them for those of us that aren't buying or authorizing anything.

  • Hi musicman691, 

    I hear such a report for the first time. 

    Let's fix it! I'll try to find a machine with macOS 10.13.6 on it and will try to reproduce this. 

    If you have any pointers for special settings on your system, please tell me, best directly and with screenshots:


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:

    Hi musicman691, 

    I hear such a report for the first time. 

    Let's fix it! I'll try to find a machine with macOS 10.13.6 on it and will try to reproduce this. 

    If you have any pointers for special settings on your system, please tell me, best directly and with screenshots:


    Thanks for the reply Paul. There's no special settings on my machine. It's a 2012 MaPro with 3.46 GHz hex core cpu.