Not sure which forum to post - this one or VEPro.
If I rubberband more than one midi region (in Cubase) and go to render in place it will always crash - but ONLY if the instruments in question are Synchron. [using the mixdown to one audio file option in Cubase]
This doesn't happen with other VST instruments or ViPro
Let's say 4 desks of violins. That's a common example. In ViPro [loaded into VEPro7 server] I probably have 8 DS violins playing from 4 midi regions - I bounce them all in place and it always works perfectly.
But if I do the closest approximation to this using Synchron violins it always crashes - some way through the render. So I have to render out each separate desk.
It did it with earlier versions of Cubase so it's not that.