I ask for forgiveness in advance for creating a topic. I'm not sure if it's warranted but I cannot seem to find any information or guidance, just trial and error with much frustration.
I am new to VSL!
I have some MIDI files of some compositions I wrote many years ago. I would like to import them into Dorico. I can and that is no problem. The default VST is HalionSonic and that is nice but I want to use my Special Editions.
I've taken a look at some YouTube videos and was able to use the Synchron Player on the score instead of Halion Sonic.
I need to figure out which staff corresponds to the MIDI channel and how to assign that channel to the specific instance of the Synchron Player with that instrument loaded from SE Volume 1.
I also want to set multiple outputs so I can control the routing of the MIDI through Dorico to SE Volume 1.
Thanks for any help you may have.