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  • VEP7 Always scanning Waves plugins, even though they aren't enabled

    I've tried to find an answer to this online without any luck.   My preferences for VEP7 have all insert plugins unchecked.   The only instrument plugins that I have checked are Kontakt and EW Play.   Still - every single time I start VEP7, it scans through my 100 different Waves plugins, and takes a really long time to finish.   Can anyone explain how to stop this behavior?   I have a feeling it's a log file or pref somewhere that needs to get flushed. 

    Possibly related, but VEP7 almost always crashes while scanning these Waves plugins on the first try after restarting my computer.   The 2nd time always works (but still scans them).

    Thank you!

  • Hi Tripi, 

    A complete rescan should only happen if the cache folder has been deleted (perhaps a 3rd party uitility clearing system caches?) or if a manual rescan is triggered from preferences.

    The plugin cache folder for VEP7 can be found here:
    /Users/YOURUSERNAME/Library/Caches/VSL/Vienna Ensemble Pro/cache


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thank you Paul. I do not use any cache cleaners. This also only seems to scan Waves plugins. Is it possible this is an issue with VEP? I upgraded from VEP6 back in December, and don’t remember ever seeing this behavior before then.

  • Hi Tripi, 

    Yes, we have changed the Plug-in organization with VE Pro 7, and so the accepted plug-ins are checked (not scanned) upon start (like in other hosts). Waves plug-ins are a bit more complex, with their WaveShells and versions. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • I understand the procedure, but I’d like to suggest that if a plugin is not checked in the plugin preferences screen, then it should not get checked upon start up. Waves included.