I'm trying to install the Jazz Drums in Ensemble Pro 7. I don't understand anything. The manual's indications are for VE 5. It seems that for VE5 the instances opened automatically with the insertion of the plug-in (in Cubase). In VE7, you have to open the VEP server before the DAW. The files to be used according to the manual (viframes) are invisible. I have to confuse elements. The various manuals never give the precise situation that is mine. Please help.
UPDATE: Ok, I managed to simply open a VEP project (viframes) in the server... but it doesn't automatically open VIP instances. However, VIP instances open if I use Convert server project to VIP. Is this the right way?
Cubase 11 on Win10.
VSL Jazz Drums
VEP on a single computer
No need for MIR for this project.
No need for Vienna pro suite for this project.