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  • This really can't come soon enough.  Truly begging for VEP native Apple Silicon  at this point and sending all the good vibes/well wishes and anticipatory gratitude to the amazing programmers at VSL to make this happen!  (especially MAS for DP which is already ARM native!).

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    @evang42 said:

    This really can't come soon enough.  Truly begging for VEP native Apple Silicon  at this point and sending all the good vibes/well wishes and anticipatory gratitude to the amazing programmers at VSL to make this happen!  (especially MAS for DP which is already ARM native!).

    There with you. I would love MAS support, I've only had an M1 Air for a few days now but it just really does seem to be ridiculously solid. The only three Rosetta devices so far are VEP, Slate Raven and dependent libraries in UPDD and V-Control Pro, and Amplitube. Waiting impatiently for native versions. 

  • +1 for a MAS version that would allow me to work in DP as I’m accustomed to. VEP itself seems to be running fine for folks in Rosetta, so at this point the lack of a compatible MAS VEP plugin is the biggest stumbling block to my getting a M1 Mac. All my templates rely on the functionality it provides. I’m not sure how it relates to the timeline for a MAS plugin, but I’ve read elsewhere that Monterey and native support will come sometime after VEP’s transition to iLok.

  •  Update is out, still no M1 support. 

  • It's really sad, and in my opinion poor customer relations that VSL have provided no information on their plans and timeline for M1 compatibility for about a year now.

    I've always felt that VSL is a PC centric company from comments by the developers/programmers. It's likely they develop on PC first and then port over to MacOS which often results in disregard of Mac development guidelines and aesthetic issues as well as slow adoption when Apple makes changes to the OS.

    They are not willing to officially say so, but I do believe VSL would actually prefer if everyone just used PCs.

  • Hi guys, 

    We'd love to get to M1 upport right away and it is high on our list, but the transition to iLok is our top priority right now. 

    All our developers are working on Mac and have done so for years. It doesn't matter to us which OS our users prefer. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:

    Hi guys, 

    We'd love to get to M1 upport right away and it is high on our list, but the transition to iLok is our top priority right now. 

    All our developers are working on Mac and have done so for years. It doesn't matter to us which OS our users prefer. 


    Thanks for the update! Is a native VE Pro MAS plugin version in the works as well? As you may know the MAS version doesn't work in Rosetta2. My templates rely on the functionality in the MAS plugin. Thx.

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    @Paul said:

    Hi guys, 

    We'd love to get to M1 upport right away and it is high on our list, but the transition to iLok is our top priority right now. 

    All our developers are working on Mac and have done so for years. It doesn't matter to us which OS our users prefer. 


    I'm sure it doesn't help that PACE is taking their sweet time to release m1 native build and all the various support files developers need to build their own m1 native versions.  Seems like every single developer that relies on iLok has been at a standstill for the past year as far as I can tell, just waiting on PACE.

  • Just another user using Silicon and dreaming of getting VEPRO natively soon. 
    Thanks VSL Team for working hard on this once you are done with the iLok transition :)

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    @Dan Wool said:

    Thanks for the update! Is a native VE Pro MAS plugin version in the works as well? As you may know the MAS version doesn't work in Rosetta2. My templates rely on the functionality in the MAS plugin. Thx.

    In response to myself in case it's useful for anyone: Vienna support confirmed via email that a native MAS version of VE Pro is in development along with the other plugin formats. 

  • Any updates on this VSL?  Are we at least getting closer?  I can't put into words how badly I need Apple Silicon native VEP and MAS-plugin for my workflow.  Sending all the well wishes and good vibes to the entire dev team!


  • Hi, 

    Our transition to iLok is still our #1 priority, but native Silicon support is high on the to-do list after this. Thanks for your patience!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:


    Our transition to iLok is still our #1 priority, but native Silicon support is high on the to-do list after this. Thanks for your patience!


    As a way of managing expectations: Would we be correct in assuming this transition will take place after iLok can run natively on M1? A lot of developers seem to be in this position. 

    Thank you

  • Just adding my voice to the chorus of how urgently native Silicon support is needed.

    I am running on an M1 Max computer now and over the weekend at a live performance, VI Pro instances caused MainStage to crash. So I went completely silent onstage while the actors had to improvise around it (I work in theater). Oof. 

    So now I'm scrambling to find a new (old) computer, or start migrating away from VSL instruments so I can have a stable environment during live shows. 

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    @J.H. said:

    ...So now I'm scrambling to find a new (old) computer, or start migrating away from VSL instruments so I can have a stable environment during live shows.
    A wise move. If VSL is waiting for PACE to update iLok to UB, I can't see how an AS compatible VE Pro will be out anytime soon (Fall m'be? I'd love to be wrong). PACE, understandably, is going to be extremely thorough. I've started creating all new templates without VEP-for-MAS, with the very cumbersome AU version, because I need to move on with my life. doubt as soon as I'm finished Vienna will release the AS MAS version 😊 

  • Hi Everyone

    So not been doing much with VSL for many years now - due to other changes in my life, but getting back into music again and recently bought an M1 Max with 32GB and boy is it great.

    Finally found a way of getting it working with VSL Suite (which I still love but seems to be not on the development path anymore).  The secret is to run Logic X itself in Rosetta mode - this works for all the VSL plugins quite happily (as well as Maschine Mk3 that I also use).

    So for those struggling on M1 native compatibility try that.

    As an aside, does anyone have any recommendations for alternatives to VSL Suite.  And also what's the move to PACE all about - are we getting rid of the the Vienna Key?


    Kind regards


  • Hey Tim,

    To answer your second question about the iLok transition VSL are making. Yes they are moving away from Steinbergs eLicenser (aka Vienna Key). These keys will still continue to function so long as Steinberg keep up their servers, and after that point they should continue to work so long as you can continue to run the eLicenser manager (or at least that is my understanding). The Vienna Key is actually just a rebranded eLicenser from Steinberg and with their transition to a new online licensing system and the deprecation of the eLicenser system VSL needed to make a choice about how to protect their IP and they decided to switch to iLok about a year ago now (at least that is when the public announcement came). Of course with PACE hard at work rewriting (from the ground up I imagine) their iLok system and ensuring it is secure it has taken them quite some time to do that. PACE recently told the folks over at ProTools Experts that they finally have a version for developers to start working with but it isn‘t quite ready yet and so we are still waiting (as are quite a few other vendors AVID comes to mind) for PACE to officially release their Apple Silicone native application so they can start their final re-write of their code that relies on PACE. 

  • This thread was started 15 months ago. Is there any estimate yet on when VI / VE Pro will be able to run natively on Apple Silicon?

    Native Instruments and others have already made the transition, so right now VSL is the only thing in my setup that's still Intel-only. 

  • +1.  Really hope we getting closer to this as it is so crucial to my and many others' workflows.

    I know ilok is the thing that's been holding everyone up to an extent....

    Though, I'm seeing some chatter that ilok FINALLY has this stuff together and a bunch of ilok dependant developers now finally have public beta builds which I'm HOPING means VSL is nearing their big ilok switch.

    Continuing to keep my fingers crossed.


  • Time to switch back to using Plogue Bidule?