I can't find the way to buy my VI crossgrades (Volume 1, 1 PLUS and 3) at Synchron! And the promotion ends today...
VI crossgrades at Synchron
hello CMB,
having a quick look into your registered products it seems you have only 3 out of 4 SE Vol.1 sections and 2 out of 4 SE Vol.2 sections. crossgrades can only be processed for complete Volumes.this means you had to complete both volumes to be eligible for a crossgrade discount.
or you may email sales@vsl.co.at for a special deal taking advantage of the current promo.
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds. -
Here's who's curious. There is an offer by volume.
https://www.vsl.co.at/en/News/2020-11_Special_Editions#_crossgradesCrossgrade prices
Volume 1 Crossgrade from VI SE 1 € 47 € 32 Volume 1 PLUS Crossgrade from VI SE 1+ € 47 € 31 Volume 2 Crossgrade from VI SE 2 € 55 € 38 Volume 2 PLUS Crossgrade from VI SE 2+ € 35 € 30 Volume 3 Crossgrade from VI SE 3 € 47 € 33 Volume 4 Crossgrade from VI SE 4 € 35 € 30 Volume 5 Crossgrade from VI SE 5 € 47 € 33 Volume 6 Crossgrade from VI SE 6 € 47 € 33 Volume 7 Crossgrade from VI SE 7 € 35 € 30 SYNCHRON-ized Special Edition Bundle Crossgrade from VI SE Bundle € 301 € 221