Not sure how to unpack this statement from the Channel Overview MIDI Ports, MIDI Channels, Transposition and Key Ranges section of the VE 7 manual. My question is in red next to the area I need to understand.
Using the latest version of VE7 Pro as well as VI Pro 2 and Cubase 10.5.
Each Vienna Ensemble Pro instance offers up to 48 MIDI ports [How do I access these ports in Cubase 10.5 PRo, where VE Pro is instantiated as a rack instrument plugin?] with 16 MIDI channels each (= 768 MIDI channels) and a virtually unlimited number of audio ports. You can set the number of ports in the Server Preferences of each instance. [This I was able to do]
The channel selector also allows you to choose omni to receive on all 16 channels (for multi-timbral instruments such as Kontakt, Omnisphere or Stylus), or none to temporarily disable MIDI input on that port. If you’re running Vienna Ensemble Pro as a plug-in, a dedicated Plug-in MIDI In port will be offered for every Instrument. [Not sure how these are 'offered' in my DAW-Cubase 10.5 PRO-so far I'm limited to 16 midi channels per instance, some snapshots of my setup are included ] Used as a VST 3/AAX/MAS plugin, up to 48 ports are available within Cubase, Nuendo, Pro Tools, Sonar and Digital Performer.