I have searched the product pages and forum for Ensemble Pro 7 and have not been able to find out the maximum number of instances I can create when working in a simple, one client/one server setup using Logic Pro X as the source DAW.
I am a creative tutor who helps composers set up their studio workstations. One of my clients will be using a Mac laptop for the DAW and (probably) a Mac Mini for the server. Because of Logic's own limitations when working in multi-port mode, I've decided for now to use the "one instance = one instrument" model, which means that I will need to know the upper limits of instances when Ensemble Pro is used this way.
My clients use VSL instruments, Spitfire's BBC Symphony Orchestra, and East-West's Hollywood Orchestra libraries. Some instances will contain more than one layer of samples, but I will avoid any multitimbral operation for now.
Thanks in advance for confirming back what the maximum number is.