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  • Chamber Strings I Violins 2


    I have a short question regarding the Standard-Edition of the Chamber Strings I.

    In the Patch-Folder I found a Subfolder, that says: Violins 2. There are some articulations listed there, that you can find in other folders, too. I was wondering now, if those were different recordings, so that you do not have to transpose-pitch the second violins to avoid phasing, when playing unisono with the first violins. I feel, that those samples sound a bit darker, but I wonder, if they are just differently processed (EQ etc) or really different recordings.

    Greetings and thanks in advance, Jan

  • Hi Jan, 

    Those are already resampled / pitched variations of the most important existing samples. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Ok, thanks

  • last edited
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    @Paul said:

    Those are already resampled / pitched variations of the most important existing samples. 

    One more thing on this question: Do you know, if they were pitched up or down and by how much? I like to layer 2 chamber-string-instances on top of the orchestral strings.

  • Hi, 

    I believe they were pitched one whole-tone down. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL