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  • Coming back with VSL

    Hello everyone,


    It's been a very long time since i been here or posted here since i stoped to work in the music industry but can never completly stop to have fun with music.

    So i saw the news BBO and synchro stuff and didn't resist to take some... To try out i chosed my favorit music of John Williams from Indiana Jones movie.

    The main goal was to use only use any VLS products i got except for the DAW (maybe in the futur if VSL chose to make their own daw :P) and see what i can get with. So i used :

    BBO Musca and Lyra

    BBO  Kopernikus

    BBO Hercule

    The rest are from synchro special edition

    All the process plugings are from vienna suite with VSL ones with some adjustement.


    I am looking for feedback and see what i can make better but be nice with me it's my 1st try since like 2 or 3 years.


    Thanks to have read and or listen to the music.



  • Hi, it's pretty good, I'm not sure, but I think you're using legato brass, is that so? I think it would be better suited to a articulation with more attack where each note hit sounds with "a new breath" perhaps portato, staccato.... Combined with a sustain articulation.

    I also see that the reverb blurs the sound a bit. Less reverb tail perhaps? In any case, good job, I hope to see it finished.


  • Hello FRG and thanks for your feedback.


    If you are talking about the trumpets melody, i used long notes sustain with short notes both bold and agile.

    That what sounded the best for me from the different articulation i tried but didn't yet find the way to ciombine different articulation like i used in vienna instrument and could change things.

    When i figure that out i migh try something different.


    I will look for the reverbs but it's been so long i didn't touch that that i will need some time to remember how to use it. EDIT : I am using the VSL preset and are not sure how to change things for the reverb my firsts trys didn't change anything.


    Thanks again!

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    I don't know the BBO instruments well, but I imagine they work just like the synchron-ized instruments. You can create your own articulation in a custom branch, just copy and paste the patch you want and combine it in a new branch. Then you can make them sound at the same time by clicking on the "layer" icon turning it blue and mixing in how much each one sounds and even assigning it a cc parameter if you wish.

    So you used short notes, because it seems to me that it lacks attack. Maybe you can solve it with a dynamic FF but a low expression value, I don't know huh, just to say something, every time I do something new, I experience a lot, I never know exactly what is needed. It's frustrating 😛

    Percussion would tell you to sound a little lower and somewhat more distant, but I understand that it is a work in progress and that you are still refining it. 

    In any case, all I'm telling you is comparing it to the original, something that may not be too fair. 😃


  • Hello there,


    Just to give you some update, i made some diferents tests that gave me the basic on how i am going to work and will see with the indiana jones theme if that is what i am looking to get as result. 

    I give you the test here to see what i worked on.


    See you when Indiana jones will be done (not soon yet =X)

  • Hello there,


    Here my indiana jones theme finished and excep some litle stuff i am very happy of the result. 

    Hope you will enjoy it and give me your feedbacks =)


    See you!

  • Hello there,


    Here my indiana jones theme finished and excep some litle stuff i am very happy of the result (had to make an mp3 because wave was to big to post =X). 

    Hope you will enjoy it and give me your feedbacks =)


    See you!


    PS : Sorry for the 2 post earlier was trying to add the file and it endend up with posting them w/out the file >.>

  • Gilles, overall I enjoyed this vivacious, swashbuckling romp, well done!

    If I may, I have just a few constructive criticisms to offer that I hope would lead to improvement of some important aspects of your production. These observations came to me as I listened for the first time, and I'm fairly sure about them now that I've compared your work to the published film score production posted in YouTube.

    1. Reverb is a little too strong; one consequence being that the lead brass seems too far back in the mix. I'd try a slightly drier setting and perhaps add some pre-delay, to help bring the lead brass forward.

    2. The opening low brass "bed" sounded very odd to me at first - almost as if it's single notes bent downwards at the end. In the published film score production this low brass opening plays extremely short, tight and snappy staccato notes, but in your production these notes are only barely separated if at all. John Williams' opening few bars here are very important in preparing us for the spirit of the whole piece.

    3. Some of the accompaniment parts are a little too quiet for a film score - especially a blockbuster adventure film score like this one. (Unlike the world of classical music, Hollywood has never been about making people strain their eyes and ears to take in the "background", lol.) It could be remedied with level automation, but if that's a bit awkward, maybe try some upward compression here and there, maybe even on the master bus. (Upward compression applies positive gain at levels below the threshold. Only a few compressors can do this, but for example I think it's possible with Melda Production's free version of MCompressor - see the YouTube tutorial on making custom compression curves with this plugin.)

    Overall though, your piece allowed me to savour and enjoy the pace, verve and excitement conjured up by Hollywood's own 'Tchaikovsky'. Thank you Gilles.

  • Hello Macker,


    Thanks to have take the time to listen to it and give me feedback i really appreciat it!

    1. The reverb has been the thing i am the less confident but i will try to fix what you pointed out!

    2. I had a very hard time about that part because i didn't get something that could satisfy me, fact is i took what was the bader i could get. I will try to see if i can find a way to improve that part as i wish!

    3. I didn't had in mind to make it sound "Hollywood" but that something i could try to do with the compression tips you gave me.


    Thanks again for your feedback!

  • Hello there,

    Here the new version with the feedback rework. I managed to try things that made me understand even more what i can do with VSL (Thanks Macker for your feedbacks ;))


    Enjoy and give me some feedbacks =)

  • PaulP Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on