I don't know if I should have put this thread in the composition area, but this is more a test of the BBO orchestra than a serious effort of composing or making a mockup.
I was testing the BBO volumes I own (Basic, Andromeda, Black Eye, Dorado, Hercules, Izar, Lyra, Musca) to make a sketch. To be sure I was not being driven by the sounds while composing, I tried a work of someone else on which to try tem.
What ended up was that working with the BBOs is pure fun, since they sound immediately great, lively, real. And they sound real, not like a generic ensemble, but more a group of players sounding together. So, sketching with an ensemble library easily translates to the final arrangement for individual instruments, since they are not different entites.
I used Dorico, also on test. I liked it immensely, despite still being, in my view, a work in progress. Entering notes and symbols in a score is how I was trained to do music. Selecting techniques is a matter of using traditional symbols, or writing what I want over the notes (what appear as bare text being a trigger to select an articulation).
And the DAW functions may be limited and still lacking, but they are clearly dedicated to composing in score. You are proposed with the right parameters, as a complement to the score. Nothing too generic, but a selection of the right tools. It's a very musical act.
Most of this sketch is simply notes entered in the score, with the occasional dynamics drawing for some melodies. I removed most of the length changes Dorico would do in case of staccato. Not the deep massaging one usually do to a mock-up, just some refinements. The sound libraries are very expressive, and this contributes to they working even in the rigid grid of a notated score.
Dear madams and gentlemen: my messy Prokofiev. Just a sketch, but already sounding "big" – and not for my merits.