Johnstaf, your Windows computer + T5(?) Synchron speed result is most interesting - many thanks for that.
Now we just need someone who streams VSL libraries from a T7 to a Windows computer (with the correct type of USB port for the T7) to tell us what the PC-version Synchron speed meter says about the T7.
Alkan, I really wouldn't get too attached yet to the idea that the T5 is better than the T7 for sample libraries. If it turns out to be true - and there seems to be only one piece of highly dubious evidence so far - then Samsung would lose face and probably be hit by several class actions from thousands of miffed customers claiming they've been scammed. But I seriously doubt it's true, and we don't want anyone here ending up looking like a myth-loving chump, do we, Alkan.
I'd love to know, for starters, what sector size is used by the T5 and T7 internal controllers. I doubt that they have the variable sector option, and I seriously doubt that they're each different. Anyway, both these products seem aimed at the fiercely competitive mass market rather than enterprise and high-end professionals, and so Samsung understandably keep a lot of the engineering design detail out of the public eye.