A little background — I'm using Vienna Ensemble Pro in a slightly unorthodox way along with Pro Tools in that I use one instance of VEP per instrument, and all instances are only saved inside the Pro Tools session (not the most DSP-efficient way I know but it has other advantages). I'm trying to set up a workflow that takes advantage of the awesome MIDI Activity Focus feature so that any instrument track I play or solo in Pro Tools will automatically show the instrument interface in VEP for easy editing. However, I'm having a problem where the instrument panel in VEP isn't remaining open when I save and reopen the Pro Tools session. When I open the instrument panel in all instances of VEP, close the Pro Tools session, and reopen it, the VEP screen only displays the blue tabs along the top. When I click on a tab or use MIDI Activity Focus to open a tab, I see the Channels section and the Mixer section, but no instrument. Pressing F4 to open the instrument doesn't work, but if I click on the instrument name in the Channels section the instrument opens and F4 will then close and reopen the instrument editor.
To add to my confusion, when I close a Pro Tools session with only one instance of VEP and the instrument editor open, the instrument remains visible after reopening the session. The behavior I described above seems to only occur in sessions with multiple VEP instances. It strikes me as buggy, put perhaps I'm missing a preference or there is some kind of workaround? This workflow is so close to being supremely elegant but having to reopen my instrument editors every time I open a session is a bit of a buzzkill.
My master is a Mac Mini i7 running Pro Tools 2020.5 and Catalina. My VEP machine is a self-built i9 PC on Windows 10 Pro 1909 and VEP 7.0.1056 64-bit.
Any advice would be much appreciated!