@JC said:
Are there any Martelé played strings in any VSL Packages?
I am intrerested in Double bass Martelé in particular [:)]
Thanks [:D]
Here you have a VSL-link about the term
I dont know so far whether there exist martelé samples at VSL or not.
Today in most VSL libraries we have a group of samples called
Short Notes.
For Strings you will find:
-Short stac - Notes (only with Chamber Strings Vi, Vla Cel but not DoubleB!)
- Stac-Notes - 0,3s - Notes- 0,5s - NotesAll these short notes are available with four layers* (pp, mf, ff, fff... I believe).
So no pure "Martelé" for the moment. [:'(]
It could be that VSL will offer us additions to the existing samples in future. I suspect that Herb's staff has recorded all possibilities we could wish... [[:|]]
But chin up !!!I played some staccatos for you . Perhaps you can use the
fff ones for your plans [*-)]:
So click...
Staccatos ff ">Staccatos ff "> Staccatos ff and
Staccatos fff ">Staccatos fff "> Staccatos fff ...(sound almost like martelé)
Listening - order (ff and fff)
:1. Solo DoubleB.
2. Chamberstrings DoubleB.
3. ProEdition DoubleB. (same as First Edition)
4. Chamberstrings Celli stac
5. Chamberstrings Celli short stacRemark: No effects are used here - neither reverb nor any other effect.
Hope this helps a little [*-)]:
Best wishes
Beat Kaufmann
* Pro-Edition / Chamberstrings / First Edition / but not for OPUS-versions...?
Please correct me if I'm wrong.