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  • Midi Out from one VEPro instance to another

    Is there a way I can route midi from one instance to another?

    I am trying to use Channel Robot's SARP sequencer (which is a Kontakt instrument that outputs midi) to drive another Kontakt instrument. Kontakt has the ability to send midi to the outside world, but I don't know if that can be routed from one VEPro instance to another.

    Another option could be routing the midi from the sequencer instrument in Kontakt to whatever instrument I'm playing, within the same Kontkat instance, but I don't know how to do that either. Any ideas? 


  • not directly.  Are you on mac or pc?  You might be able to do it by using PlogueBidule plugin inside VePro, it has a module for sending to external midi devices directly (and then you could use IAC on Mac, for example)...

  • The VEPro instances are on my PC, my DAW is on Mac.

  • So let me get this straight, you want to route midi from one VePro instance (on pc) to another VePro instance on the same PC?

    Unfortunately I don't know what is available on the PC for virtual midi ports...and I don't even know if this would work would be complicated and very well might not work...but...anyway...that is how you'd have to do it...VePro doesn't provide any midi routing from one instance to another..

    But why not just move those particular instruments into your DAW on the mac? 

  • another solution would be to avoid virtual midi complexities and just host both intances of Kontakt inside PlogueBidule..  Inside PlogueBidule, you can connect the midi output from Kontakt to the other instance of kontakt...  You can setup different audio outs from each that the audio would appear on two audio channels in the VePro mixer.

    That would not be in a seperate VePro instance, but I think it would work, if you need to use this midi behavior within VePro.

    Actually I am not expert enough about Kontakt to know, but I am thinking you could probably even put both Kontakt insturments inside a single instance of kontakt to get that midi routing to happen but I could be wreong about that, that would be even more simple...and I'm not gonna lie...Plogue Bidule is hit or miss inside VePro.

  • Bidule is a possibility (but it's also $95). I have had occasional other uses for it, so, maybe.

    I do actually like, and prefer, the idea of two instruments in one Kontakt instance but there is no midi routing capability there outside of advanced scripting. I've been asking around about that. I seem to recall maybe LASS or someone had a script that you load up and it can control multiple instruments in one Kontakt instance, so I know it's possible via scripting, I just don't have a script to do that.

    I may have to do it in the DAW. I try to avoid loading instruments there, as the PC does most of the heavy lifting, but maybe one or two won't hurt.

  • I'd just do it in the DAW to be honest.  

    Also, I just tried out PlogueBidule on my rarely used VePro PC slave, and it has graphics problems, especially over remote desktop.  FYI.   it has been very hit or miss for me trying to use PlogueBidule inside VePro.

    BlueCatAudio Patchworks would probably also work for that task inside VePro, or MetaPlugin.  There is a free one you can try also:

  • Here is with Kushview Element...(see image).  This is on my mac, as I have personally compiled Element myself for mac, but I don't have it compiled for PC.  I think its possible to download a slightly more limited or older version from that website for free for either mac or pc without having to compile anything.

    But anyway this seems to work so far inside VePro, I don't actually ahve a good kontakt instrument with midi output to test it...but theoretically should work.

    Make sure you use the VST version of Kontakt in order to see the midi output port.


  • Thanks dewdman, I'll give it a try. If it doesn't work out, I may do it in the DAW for now...since Kontakt has midi out, I can just run the sequencer on the DAW instance of kontakt and run the instrument on the PC.