@Dietz said:
I seem to remember that I even added a draft to the Venue Manual, supplied by the guys running Teldex, which outlines a typical setup ... (leaves for searching 8-) ...)
Ah, nice! It's not the same setup as a typical concert hall, but studio setups are usually peculiar to the studio.
I'm growing more and more interested to the Synchron stage in wide position. I don't yet have that roompack, but I'm liking the Synchronized sound, and the venue previews you published in your web site.
I wonder if the DGG records with the Wiener Philharmoniker of the 60s and 70s were recorded there. Thinking about von Karajan: his records with the Berliners sound fat and full, dark and bass-heavy; with the Wieners it is all somewhat more transparent, while still sounding full. I wouldn't be surprised if the ones in your catalogue are the rooms these recordings were made in the respective towns.