I have another issue, I find the A6 and G#6 (but other notes as well) to sound very strange when pressed repeatedly, especially in the p to mf range. I attach a file. I don't know if I screwed a setting but it really distracts me from playing. Actually I just loaded the player setting and mixed a little bit some other mics in as well.
I've been noticing the same - it's very odd, almost like a squelch on the release, on mid velocity notes from around D5-B5. I hope it's fixable as it's spoiling what would otherwise be a very good piano.
Playing on headphones tonight, I noticed a few quirks with the stereo image on the Mid 1&2 mics. For example, on Mid1 C4-C5 are panned slightly left, C#5-B5 panned right, C6-F6 left, F#6 right, G6-B7 left, C8 right?!? I don't know if it's a 'feature' of the mic positioning, but it doesn't do this on the Steinway.
If anyone has a chance, could you play a chromatic run on the Mid mics and see whether you hear the same?