I've this unresolved question while building my percussion presets for VI instruments. How to solve it is strictly tied to how I will use them in notation programs. Are beaters techniques or entirely different instruments?
- First of all: how I build presets of pitched instruments.
With my custom VI pitched instruments (including timpani), I create presets made of "matrices", that are groups of similar techniques. For example, I can have a matrix for sustains, one for legatos, one for repetitions, one for dynamic arcs. With timpani, I can have single hits, rolls, glissando, repetition, dynamic arcs.
Each matrix include the individual techniques, with all their nuances. An expression map selects a matrix, then a technique in the matrix.
- Then: non-pitched instruments.
With non-pitched percussions it is different: mostly you have a drum kit including all the techniques. Single hits, rolls. Everything is under a percussion map, with no need for further subdivisions.
However, there are also things that I don't know if are to be considered additional techniques, or totally different instruments. Bowed cymbals, brush vs. stick, different brands of timpani or cymbals, snare on vs. snare off, different mallets.
My preference would be to consider each of them a separate instrument/preset. An Instrument Change in Dorico would switch to that instrument/technique.
But is it correct? When invoking a different type of mallet, switch the snare wires off, taking a bow to play a cymbal, am I invoking an instrument change, or just a different technique?
I'm really confused on the boundary between the two methods. And this makes very hard to find a general method in building my presets. How would you do it?