I went to VEPro7 on the first days but stayed on 6 until then. Two PCs, VEPro on slave, Cubase 10.5 on master.
I just installed VEPro7 on the slave computer. Missed to put the VEPro7 plugin on the master. While opening a project, VEPro6 plugin said the version was incorrect. Ok, logical.
After replacing the four VEPro 6 Vst3 plugins with the 7 ones, nothing worked anymore. When inserting a VEPro instrument, nothing shows up. No way to connect anything. Today, Cubase doesn't even see the VEPro plugins in Plugin manager anymore...
Everything worked like a charm with 6 so I guess it's not some network issue, I'm working with static IPs here and never had any connexion issue.
Do I miss anything? Anyone who could confirm what I have to do on master computer: just replacing VEPro Vst3 plugions with 7 ones I guess, or am I wrong?
Thanks for your help!
Edit: Hust to precise, MIR Pro Plugin is installed on master computer but I don't think it's in any way related to the issue. BTW it worked great as such with VEPro6.
[SOLVED] Upgrade 6 to 7, no connexion, no vst3 plugin in Cubase