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    Hi there, has anyone had a problem using the automation mapping in Pro Tools with their VSTs? When I map a paremeter like Delay Mix to in VEP7, and then activate the parameter for automation in Pro Tools, I can record the automation without a problem. And the effect plays back properly while recording the automation pass. However, when I go to playback my automation, there is total static in the parts where there is any sort of movement in the automation lane. When the automation flattens, the sound returns. And so on, and so forth. I've tried thinning the automation as well, and that doesn't help.

    Alternatively, I've found that MIDI mapping and automating through MIDI in the exact same way, doesn't return any issues.  If I were to guess, I would think that in my setup, since Automation mapping is handled by the instrument track with my one instance of VEP, and MIDI mapping is handled by a different MIDI track, that this could be what is contributing to the difference in playback. But it seems unlikely. I suppose I could use the MIDI mapping workaround, but I would hope that there is a way to properly make use of the automation mapping features. 

    My setup is iMac Pro Master OSX 10.14.6 running Pro Tools 2020, and Mac Mini slave with VEP7 Server. Gigabit connections for both and I believe I do have my network setup properly. 

    Thank you!

  • Does anyone at Vienna want to weigh in?