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    No, don't worry, it's me. But please check the date when this was posted... and make sure you are running the latest version 😉

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
  • I did both. I check if I had the latest version and then deleted the .ini file on all 3 computers. It reset all my settings but I still cant see the servers from my master PC.

    It has been setting us back for a few days now. Very painfull to work with. We are loosing a lot of time.

  • I too am experiencing the exact same issue.  It really does slow down the workflow.  I came here in hopes to find a solution as the first question that most support asks is "did you try to find a solution in the user forums".  I too will be contacting support so they know it is indeed an issue.

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    @bbelius said:

     your issue, please consult the networking chapter in the manual:

    Best, Ben

    All these steps we're already setup properly but we still can't see the slave computers since we updraged to VEPro 7. If I hear one more time this is not an issue with VEPro 7 and not even a known issue at VSL, we'll simply abandon the software. It's causing us more trouble and is more time consuming than having all of our samples loaded locally. We are running a video games sound and music company and we've wasted enough time on this allready. Please fix this and let us know when you guys have a working software.

    If only the server projects were backwards compatible, we could easily go back to VEPro 6 but even going back to VEPro 6 would be a major pain and we'd have to reconstruct our newest templates all over again. That is probably what we'll do when we get a break.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it they say. Well now that you broke it, please fix it!

  • Hello François, 

    I found one support case of yours in our database, from 2017 - would you like to contact us again, directly, with a few screenshots and more information about your system?

    Network troubles are not so easy to fix, remotely, but we can probably get there with some additional information. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:

    Hello François, 

    I found one support case of yours in our database, from 2017 - would you like to contact us again, directly, with a few screenshots and more information about your system?

    Network troubles are not so easy to fix, remotely, but we can probably get there with some additional information. 


    I will, we have a few important tracks to deliver this week but we also really need this to work asap so I'll contact support when we've delivered. But like I said, I really feel this issue is on your end since previous versions where working flawlessly and none of our systems and setup have changed aside from the server projects.

  • Hi François, 

    We're happy to take the blame, we just want to help. It looks like an exception. 

    Good luck with your project!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    the same Issue. I've made a new thread to exaplain this.

  • Vienna Ensemble Pro 7 network discovery relies on standard Bonjour service.

    Please ensure that you don't have anything blocking this service - or have manually turned the Bonjour services off on your master/slave computers.

  • We're contacting support now but just so you know,

    We've just added a new computer as a master with a fresh install of Windows 10, all the latest versions of VEPro 7 on all slaves and master, TCP and UDP ports are setup properly, advertising on local network is turned on and the bonjours service is running on all machines. We also tried both VST2 and VST3 on the local machine. It feels like we've tried eveything and the same issue is happening on multiple setups at different locations. 

    Since my collegues and I are experiancing the same issue on different setups and networks means this is NOT a isolated case. We strongly feel we should get compensated for all the time we've spent troubleshooting this without any positive results. At this point, it feel like we are beta testing this software that is simply now working properly. We need to be able to see the servers we connect to. Manually entering the IP adresses and instance names is not a viable solution for us.

    By now, we have read the manual several times and both the manual and this forum have failed to help us in any way. We now wish there was an alternative software to VSL's Vienna Ensemble Pro.

    We strongly recommend to anyone who is thinking about upgrading from VEPro 6 to VEPro 7 to keep working with VEPro 6 as it works fine and no added features of the newer release is worth all this hassle.