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  • More than one instrument track per instance

    Dear ladies and gentlemen!

    Working in Cubase 10.5 and VE (Viennna Ensemble) Pro Server 7.0 and MIR pro 24 5.4 I want to use just one instrument track for each instrument. Different articulations are provided by expression maps.


    This demands to have one instance per instrument. Is this true?

    If I am not correct please provide me with hints to use plenty of instruments within one instance in conjunction with one instrument track in cubase per instrument. I would appreciate using one instance for more than one instrument. I would like to achive having one instrument track in cubase for 1st strings and one intrument track for 2nd strings and one intrument track vor violas and one instrument track for oboes and so on using only one instance in VE Pro.

    Thank you in advance for any hints or clarifications!



  • No that’s not true. Use the cubase rack to host the vepro vst3 plugin

  • Hi Dewdman42!

    Thank you for your fast response and sorry for giving you feedback so late!
    I tried the cubase rack but I ran into two issues.

    The first one: For some instruments (for example East West Hollywood Strings Diamond or Native Instruments) I have to use „multis“. This means that in one instance there is loaded the appropriate player (for example Play or Kontakt) and in this player the different patches for the different articulations are loaded. The different patches (i.e. articulations) are triggered via different MIDI channels so that in the Cubase expression maps the different MIDI Channels can be used used for the different articulations. So using the cubase rack I would have to change the MIDI channels in the expression maps every time the instrument sits in a different slot in Vienne Ensemble Pro.I will provide some snapshots because I am not sure if I expressed myself clearly enough 😊

    The second one: I am used to click on „Edit instrument“ in the inspector (I have a keyboard shortcut for that of course) which opens the correlating instrument (i.e. the correlating instance in my setup) in Vienna Ensemble Pro. When I do this using the cubase rack it opens the correlating instance but not the correlating instrument. So I would have to scroll through all the instruments in the instance until I find the correct one

    Would it be possible to eliminate these two issues using the Cubase rack?





  • yes if you use more instrument tracks feeding a single VePro instance, you will have to organize and manage mici channels much more carefully.  You can specify the midi channel and port for each instrument channel strip in VePro.,

    Unforutnately , there is now way to hit the edit instrument button in Cubase and have it call up the plugin window inside VePro.