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  • [SOLVED]Latest Sy Player, VIpro, and VEPro7 updates CPU issues

    Is anyone else experiencing major CPU issues with the new updates for VIpro2, VEPro7, and the Synchron Player?

    In the AU3 Multiport session I've been working in, when I have one of those multiport instruments selected, the CPU on my slave machine begins to idle at 60% (up from near zero).  Plus, the main thread in the Logic X CPU meter is in a constant state of spikes, regardless if playing back the session or not, regardless of plugins on or off.  When I click on a blank audio track, session plays back normal.

    Higher buffer doesn't make problem go completely away.

    Before these updates, I could play back the exact session at a 64 buffer with no pops/clicks.  Now the audio gets totally garbled/trashed, and many of the notes hang when I stop playback while one of those multiport tracks is selected.

  • Also, at lower buffer sizes, when playing back the AU3 multiport session, I get these error messages: Sample Rate 39,831 recognized.  Check conflict between Logic Pro X and external device.

    Edit: note, that there currently is no external device connected (not an audio interface... just the headphone jack, or the macbook speakers).


  • Updates:

    If I create a new multiport session from the AU3 beta template provided by VSL, then load in a saved channel strip in the slave VEPro (the "insert channel set from disk" menu option), then the CPU meter in Logic doesn't spike anymore.  

    BUT, the high idling CPU in the slave VEPro meter is still very high, and playing back any tutti chords still renders the garbled sound and CPU in >90%.. (but without the spikes in Logic).

    I reverted back to previous versions of Sy Player, VEPro, and VIpro... however, before yesterday I was on versions not available in the MyVSL Downloads Archive.  Same problem persists.

  • Hi Stephen, 

    Thanks for the reports, we will be looking into this. Can you please send us your Logic song, so we are working with the same project?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Great, thanks.  Sent all the pertinent info to support.

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    @stephen limbaugh said:

    I reverted back to previous versions of Sy Player, VEPro, and VIpro... however, before yesterday I was on versions not available in the MyVSL Downloads Archive.  Same problem persists.

    I am trying to revert back also, but I didn't check the version numbers to see if the last one in the archived area is the desirable one.  Which versions of each thing should we be rolling back to?

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    The Downloads Archive always offers the previous version, this is the one I'd suggest to roll back to.


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thanks!

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    After a month 🕰️ of testing and troubleshooting, I found figured out the issue.

    For some reason, if I have more than 84 tracks in my AU3 template linked to my slave machine, I get CPU spikes and craziness on my master machine.  84 or fewer, I'm all good, and can playback the session at a buffer size of 64.

    That's a relief!  I just need to keep it fewer than 84 tracks, which is plenty for my purposes.

  • what a strange number though, 84 tracks. What does your template look like, how are you accessing the AU3 plugin?  Using direct multitimbral instruments or enviornment multi-instrument objects?  

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    Dewd- this is all with the beta AU3 template offered by VSL.  I tried your setup too had the same issue with 85+ tracks.

    I also thought about if the reason is because of how many Synchron Players vs other tracks... maybe that has something to do with it?  I dunno.  All I know for certain is that when I delete the tracks down to that number in my session, poof... problem solved! 😎

  • I have two templates.  One uses normal multi-timbral instrument (similar as the ones from VSL but without the LogicPro bug ;-).  The other one uses enivornment multi-instrument.

    If you send me a project to take a look at, I will try to see if i can debug it.  AU3 was supporting 127 tracks for me no problem, so I'm perplexed why its only working 84 for you.  It might be something weird with the enviornment.

    A little more background...

    the original beta templates provided by VSL were most likely created with a version of LogicPro prior to 10.4.5.  There are some known bugs when opening projects from before 10.4.5 in LogicPro 10.4.5+.  It has to do with the way internal instruments are handled by LogicPro.  10.4.5 is when they bumped it up to 1000 instead of 255.  But they changed some things while doing that and there are some odd bugs that can come up when you load an older project in LogicPro 10.4.5 and start adding/remove tracks, etc.. thigns can get out of wack, the metronome channel becomes hidden and other odd things.  So..the beta templates from VSL may work, but then may run into that problem.  I suggest VSL should rebuild them using a newer version of LogicPro or just use the ones I made, which are exactly the same, but I made mine with the new LogicPro.  or follow the instructions to build up a template quickly from scratch yourself...but using the newer LogicPro...don't use the old templates that VSL originally provided for the reason I just said.

    Now that being said, if you get more than 127 internal enviornment mixer strips all pointing to "Inst1", that is when LogicPro will vomit all over the place.  So its possible just using the old templates might somehow accidentally get confused about that because of the LogicPro bugs I'm talking about.  or its possible you ahve somehow accidentally created more enviornment mixer channels adn then when trying to create #85 you're really creating #128.  

    Lastly, I made a template using enviornment multi-instruments as the track interface, and this verison can handle 768 tracks per vePro doesn't come close to using up the 127 strip limit.  So you might try that one too..but the downside is you have to have your tracks assigned to the enviornment objects rather then directly to the mixer strips.

    Anyway, if you send me a project with the problem I am happy to take a look to see if I can figure out what is going on.

    I doubt it has anything to do with too many synchron players..but VSL can say if there is a limit like that, but I would doubt it.  But I am certain about the bugs in logicPro and I am certain that you can't have more than 128 internal enviornment mixer strips assigned to "Inst1".