I picked up the SE 7 (historical instruments) package during BF and am enjoying it quite a bit, but it's kinda lacking in one particular group of popular renaissance and baroque era instruments: lutes. I would love to have a VSL library for lutes, theorbo, baroque guitar, etc. Any plans to expand the plucked instruments section?
The way I understand it, the historical instruments are a work in progress like all the other product lines VSL offers. For example, First you had Solo Strings, then Orchestral, then Chamber, etc. so be patient. Good things come to those who wait.😊
Bolder Sounds is a great company; Dennis started by doing patches for Yamaha MOTIF series DAW ROMpler Workstation Keyboards, and my first purchase was his excellent Bagpipe library -- the first one to offer a Drone control. His product line still fills a few niches in my collection here and there, and he's a super-nice guy to deal with, as well as holding frequent sales. He tends to record stuff fairly dry, so it blends well with VSL.
Although my hope is that VSL will eventually add more historic instruments, for now I am using a combinatioon of Soniccouture's Conservatoire Collection, which includes several Baroque Guitar, Lute, and Theorbo variations, and Fluffy Audio's Rinascimento, which has little overlap with the former and thus fleshes out the overall Baroque collection pretty well (along with pre-Baroque). It's also nice to have both, for more contrast between two instruments of the same category so they stand out better from each other in a mix.
For Viola da Gamba, Rinascimento is a bit more realistic and flexible than Cinesamples, and I slightly prefer their Virginal to the one from Bolder Sounds. Go to Fluffy Audio for the only current Archlute, Baroque Violin, a few other rare instruments that are less well-known, and Bombarde plus Dulciana.
I prefer Bolder Sounds Baroque Lute to Fluffy's, and Soniccouture for Baroque Guitar, Theorbo, and Hurdy Gurdy.
Eduardo Tarilonte's Era Medieval Legends plugs some gaps as well, but most instruments are sample-stretched and tend to have generic interfaces vs. matching idiomatic playing styles like Rinascimento and Conservatoire.
Out of politness, I have not drawn any comparisons to VSL's own offerings, where there is overlap with other histroric instrument libraries.