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  • Is there a way to transfer a license between my keys remotely?


    I have several eLicencer keys. All of them are with me, except for one that I left at my friend's house in another city.

    I need one of the licences I have on that key (Epic Orchestra), but I also need my friend to keep that eLicencer key because he uses some of my licences for work.

    Is there a way I can have that license transfered to one of the keys I have with me? (e.g. maybe have my friend do something like put it back into some online control that allows me to take it back again into another key at my location)

    I hope there's a way and someone can help me. Thanks in advance!

  • Hi Zarabozo, 

    Unfortunately there is no way to transfer licenses remotely. 

    We are always able to help in such situations (contact, but you should know that you have agreed, in our license agreements, that you as the license owner are the only person who has the right to use your license. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thank you so much Paul, I'll write to that email address.

    I'd just like to clarify that I'm not sharing licenses for the sake of sharing. My friend works for me playing piano for music I make. The reason he has my license with him is that I need him to play the parts I need using the Vienna Imperial. The only use he has for my license is to do the work I pay him to do. I also bought a second Vienna Imperial license so I can use it locally too. Is that acceptable/fair use?

    Thanks again Paul.


  • Hi Francisco, 

    I'd say that an audio file would do the same job at a cheaper price, but that sounds like it's ok. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL