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  • VSE Pro 7 Error msg "Room Pack 2"

    When loading a big vesp64 orchestra with about 120 instances, occassionall it stops dead and a window pops up with this message and a bit later after closing the pop up window VSE Pro 7 crashes.

    "An older version of RoomPack 2 has been detected ..."

    I have download the latest version of RoomPack 2 and re-installed it twice but it makes no difference.

    Anyway this setup does not use MIR - it is all Synchron player instances.

    VSE Pro is on version 7.0.904 and I see there is later version available so I will try that to see if the issue goes away.

    Anyone else see this message?

  • I upgrade to VSE Pro 7.0.922 the latest available and for a while it was ok but yesterday I had the same error mesage again. When it happens the Server stops and after clearing the message it is unusable and has to be closed and restarted.

    Anyone else getting this?

  • Hi, 

    I'd check if there is maybe some older data somewhere on your system that causes this confusion. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thanks Paul.

    I will take a look around.

    I see there is another update now availabel for VSE Pro and a few other things; so I will keep up to date.

    I notice Room Pack 2 has not been updated since 2013 so that error message is obviously inaccurate!

    I wonder what kind of old data I might be loking for as I have tons of stuff on my Mac.

  • Hi, 

    You are looking for *.vmi files, that's the format of the roompack data. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thanks for the advice. I searched for all .vmi files everywhere but only found the ones I have in the folder I installed the MIR things. There is also some MIR-X things in there from before I got MIR Pro.

    But I am getting another error usually the first time after startup the Mac. I load up a VSE Pro Project with about 40 instances of various Synchron orchestra.

    Then I start Logic and it starts connecting to the instances and I see the little icons coming on to show they are connected. But when it gets to the about the 20th one it gets stuck and Logic just hangs. Presumably waiting for some response from VSE Pro Server. Maybe it all happens too fast and some commuications between VSE Pro and Logic got dropped somehow. Ater that I have to force abort Logic. If I try Logic again it hangs again so I have to shut down VSE Pro and load up again. Second time it is stable.

    I have all the instances coupled from Logic so they are stored in the Loigic project and can be re-instantiated into an empty VSE Pro server just by bringing up the Logic Project.

  • Hi, 

    Can you please send us a sample from when the hang occurs?

    => Open Activity Monitor
    => Choose Vienna Ensemble PRO
    => Click the small "i" in the upper left corner
    => Click "Sample" in the lower left corner
    => Save the file and send it to us:


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • OK I sent those diagnostics over to support. Thanks.

    Guess what? I thought the original error had gone away (pop-up window message "An older version of RoomPack 2 has been detected ..."). But it occurred again recently. So I have removed the old MIRX stuff from the MIR folder in case that is what is causing the issue. (I didn't find any loose lost rogue .vmi files anywhere.)

    Any suggestions welcome.