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  • VEP Feature request: a spreadsheet grid-display mode for global overview

    For managing big instance setups it would be really useful if there was a new display option which extended the current channel list onthe left hand side - and made it take up the entire space of the screen so that one row shows EVERY parameter for a channel or track - in grid fashion.

    This would make setting up instances and templates  a lot simpler. 

  • Hi Daniel, 

    Thanks for your input. Can you please sketch out a quick example of what you have in mind?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • As someone who keeps track of his sounds and parameters with a spreadsheet, I’m already excited by this idea! Paolo

  • Hi guys, 

    The more you can define your suggestion, the better. "Spreadsheet" can mean many things for many people. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Like this?  

    Basically all the info for the channel on a single line.

    get the idea? 

  • Hi Daniel, 

    Did you want to attach a picture? 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • sorry. i tried. all these attachment features seem a pain and the old picture i drew has been lost.

    But in essence just take all the words, buttons, icons , drop-down menu-boxes and sliders etc in your left-hand pane (when fully expanded ) and place them all in a SINGLE LINE 

    so only one row ( but with lots of columns etc ) is displayed for each channel. Nothing else. 

    This would allow for a full overview of the config and let us more easily spot what needs fixing. 

    While we're at it please can you also makeit much more obvious logical and simple as to how one can assigne or change  a property for MORE THAN ONE channel.  in one go.

    It shouldnt have to be as hard as it is.  Ableton makes it really easy.  So can Vienna.

  • Actually Paul - if the only thing you did was allow more controls to be shown in the current "minimal" view ( by pressing F several times ) and allowed more info to be shown by being ale to resize the left hand area to be bigger - that would do it. And wouldnt require any new page,view or mode. 

  • Hi Daniel, 

    I'm afraid it will be totally crammed if we pack more information in the small channel height view...

    But if you can see all necessary information by setting the channel strip height, what speaks against using that shortcut? Focus will stay on that selected channel.... 

    Am I missing something there?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL