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  • whats next with VI Pro?

    Dear VSL Team, Special Attn to Mr Herb ,

    It just feel so sad to see a really superb Program like VIPro with all the super very crisp Orchestralsound left behind and not further developed

    Please consider

    Thank you

    Kind Regards,


  • It seems that there could be new Sample-Libraries for VI in the future, but the Software itself will not see any Innovations or rebuilding anymore; only support (but for a long time) ... C‘est la vie ...

  • Hi Will,

    I answered this question a few days ago:

    Best, Ben

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
  • I recently upgraded to the full cube, and I'm also sad, because I also want to see further development of VI Pro, there are so many features which can be added. Synchron Player is nearly the same approach with less features (e.g. time-streching). There are no real innovations.

    They should invest in VI Pro, because this is the best sample player on the market. It only needs to be "transported into the future". Especially with innovative approaches, like e.g. a "performance legato" which can play any note length: legato, fast legato, short notes, repetitions etc, or a real auto-divisi instead of auto-voicing. I know that everyone has different expectations, but VSL has so many articulations in their VI libraries. They really are the only ones on the market who could actually achieve such an innovative, more playable, more real instrument. 

    I already wrote a very long email to support about this some time ago, there is simply no manpower available. It's a pity, really... Especially when I read they worked one year (!) on the SYNCHRON-ized woodwinds. It's a good library, but the VI users are left behind. I would pay a small amount for these upgrades, but only to use them in VI Pro.

  • Regarding to the VI Upgrade-wish ... Why does no one see that they probably can’t bring the remastered Synchronized articulations back to VI? From VSL´s point of view it is not possible. From Dietz‘ point of view, it would be a Desaster. The whole problem? VI-MirX! The Mixes are only made for the „old“ VI-Sound, not for the Remastered sound. [b]Dietz had to create everything new!![/b] And that is probably the whole problem why the firm excessively seperates both worlds (VI VS. Synchronized) from each other. Take the sound of both Chamber Strings (VI VS. Synchronized) as an example. Both are totally different mastered and they sound different. Another thing is that Dietz mentioned that the Synchronized MIR X was created with a „Future MIR“ ... what ever that means ...

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    @LAJ said:

    Why does no one see that they probably can’t bring the remastered Synchronized articulations back to VI?
    From VSL´s point of view it is not possible. From Dietz‘ point of view, it would be a Desaster.

    They did bring the updates of Dimension Strings to VI, for example. 

    I think it can be done, because the re-editings are the same, raw samples. You can deactivate the reverb in the Synchron Player, then you have the same dry samples as in the VI player. 

    I'm talking about things like non-vibrato legatos and the added velocity layers to the legatos. This can easily be transported to VI. For this you don't need the Synchron Player. But maybe I'm wrong... 😊

  • [i] They did bring the updates of Dimension Strings to VI, for example. [/i] Yes. You are right with the dimension series. I exclude them from what I wrote above. It seems that here the basic sound was not changed. Therefore no problem for VI-MIR x

  • I wish they had never moved to the Synchron Stage. Don't get me wrong, the libraries from the Synchron Series are really good, but the VI Series is so great... 

  • I also prefer ViPro.  But I wish they would update the gui a bit for 2020, HiDPI support, among a few other things.  

    I chose the Cube universe because its just an ultimately more complete and more powerful system with MirPro, many rooms to choose from, with the Cube FULL, appasionata, dimension strings and brass and basically most other silent stage libraries...its a very complete set of instruments and articulations, with MirPro capability to setup the stage and room however you want.  For true power users its way beyond Synchron.  Its not going away.  I'm not complaining about it lacking anything either, I have barely scxatched the surface of what it can do already right now.  I hope the VIPro instrument will get a little more update and love, things like bigger scalable fonts, HiDPI support, etc..  I personally think the matrix concept, the humanization features, etc..its a very powerful instrument.

    I think Synchron player perhaps has some wider appeal because its easier to turn it on and just start working with a much less intimidating GUI, built in room, etc..  its more plug and play.  I've been picking up some of the syncrohized stuff on sale and plan to work with it more and more to see how I like it, though I also like using MirPro and other rooms, so really for me the synchronized stuff is more about a simpler GUI then it is about the built in room.  But for a lot of peopel new to VSL, synchron will havce a more affordable price point of entry with the built in room and decent sound without having to invest in MIR stuff or get deep into the technology for that.  I think if you look at most other libraries out there, they tend to be designed more like synchron is, with built in rooms and simple interface.  While VIPro has a rather intimidating GUI to begin with, on first look you take in the matrix and think "how should I use that?", etc.  But ViPro is also very impressive to me as a symphonic instrument plugin..I think its best in class in terms of articulation control, humanization, ability to change attack points and times and really stretch the existing library in many ways...I thihk most people barely scratch the surface of what ViPro can do, including me.  That's why synchron may ulitmately be more useful for the vast majority of people.  But at least for now I ahve over $10k invested in ViPro silent stage + MirPro...and I'm committed to that platform, so I hope VSL will continue devceloping it...including enhancing the ViPro instrument itself.

  • The thing I don't understand is why they keep synchronizing VI libraries instead of completing the new orchestra they've started to build with Synchron Strings I and Synchron Percussion I. Those two and the 3 pianos are great libraries and I hope Synchron Brass I and Synchron Woodwinds I will be available some day.



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    The reason for that is it is so expensive to record new samples.  (all those paid musicians!!! 😮)  But it will certainly be done if the Synchron series continues to be successful.  It is quite successful now as it gives people who wish to have the instant playability with a built-in reverb what they want. 

    But I totally agree with all the support here for the VI series as it is a means of creating things from the ground up, all based on ultra-pure sounds.  I love that aspect of it.  

  • As for what's next for VI PRO, well I'd still like to see the next generation have an automated way to do the Transposition Trick. Many of the instruments already have a second version, violins 1 and 2 for example, but what if I need a viola 1 and 2 or two Bb trumpets? I know. The next generation VI Player is probably way down at the bottom of the To Do List right now but when you guys get around to it.

  • Synchronizing older libraries makes a lot of sense to me. VSL samples have always been top quality, being perfomed by top musicians and recorded by top technicians following top ideas.

    Their libraries have however been reserved to specialists. Even ready-made presets had to be known and used consciously. Mixing was required for positioning and reverb. They were not for beginners, despite the low price of the Horizon and Special Edition libraries.

    The same samples, synchronized, are ready to use. Any beginner with a sense for the classical orchestra can start using and enjoying them. And they are compatible with the real Synchron libraries, in case they want to expand to them.

    Synchon and Synchronized are not as flexible as VI+MIR can be. But since most beginners are asking for a big, cinematic sound, that is what is immediately provided with the Syncronized libraries without deactivating the space settings.


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    @PaoloT said:

    The same samples, synchronized, are ready to use. Any beginner with a sense for the classical orchestra can start using and enjoying them. And they are compatible with the real Synchron libraries, in case they want to expand to them.

    True, I agree. For new users this is outstanding.

    The new woodwind library is great and is a less expensive alternative to OT Berlin series, comparing the articulations and the divisi conept with multiple instruments.

    For me, the thing is that all the sample updates and benefits should also be avaiblable to the VI users. I don't want to be forced to use the Synchon Player.


    Hi Paolo,

    have you ever comparing VI sound and Syncron ?  e.g Dimension Strings?

    cause you should,then you"ll change idea

    Kind Regards



    Hi Ben,

    Thanks for your reply, but what I meant was, VSL change course from purist to some thing else

    what I meant was not just keep the Library alive, but to make program improvement/user friendlier and keep the sound crisp and superb quality

    its sad to see VSL try to compete other lower quality Product by lowering its standard specially sound quality

    I hope I make it clear enough

    please dont get me wrong, I am not trying to contest anyone, just a concern

    Kind reagards,


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    @whlederman said:

    have you ever comparing VI sound and Syncron ?  e.g Dimension Strings?

    cause you should,then you"ll change idea

    I have the SE 1/+ in both versions, and I base my judgement mostly on them. What should have I had to find in this comparison?



    Hi Paolo,

    I meant the real VIPro Dimension Strings and Syncronized one

    you should probably try the demo version of both and listen to the different in crisp, reality and aggresivity of the sound 

    of course syncron system is very user froendly, and thats what I ask from VSL for VIPro

    without loosing their original purpose,which is the sound at its top quality

    Kind Regards


  • I'm so glad to see that VI PRO is not dying out.

    Not just the sample sound quality, I use VI Pro 2 for its best-in-class ability to micro-control humanization/variation. Other libraries have these sample variations kinda built into the program, but I think VI Pro is the only one that lets us control and tweak them in depth with straghtforward GUI.

    human performance control, app sequencer, repetitions, etc these detail controls are what makes VSL one of the best libraries out there. It's not just the sound quallity. I think the sound quality of most major sample libraries are pretty much about the same high quality.

    I hope VSL remembers that this weakability in micromanagement is what makes VSL standout and bringing all these crazy nerdy composers and midi mockup orchestrators to buy their products.

    GUI wise, I actually really like the current white-blue simple gui. It doesn't look super old, only a bit old :) but it's actually easy on my eyes when working long hours.

    Please keep updating and improving VI Pro! (please better iPad remote controller!!!!)