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  • Odd samples on Synchron Concert D 274?

    On some of the mic perspectives a few of the samples seem to be mapped to incorrect velocities. They sound louder and heavier than they should. I can somewhat mitigate the issue by lowering their amplitude in the EDIT page, but their timbre still sticks out. The follwoing notes sound more like ff-fff when played at mf:

    Ribbon mic: C5#

    Tube Mic: B5b through E6

    Mid 1: C5# plus A5b though E6

    Since I don't see anyone else mentioning this, I wonder if my situation is singular. Could a corrupt download have caused this problem? 

  • No, it seems ok - as you can hear in att. mp3
    did you update a library? there are updates 1 and 2 on the MyVSL page
