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  • Where is the Taco Bonus ?


    I've bought vepro 7 with epic orchestra 2.0 when it was the early bird offer" but i've never found the Taïko in bonus !

    Is anyone knows where is it ?



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    Yeah, VSL, what happened to those tasty tacos!?

    The Sour Cream Salieris are my personal favorite but sinking your teeth into any of them is like you've died and gone to heaven.😇

    Who would have thought that Austrians make such delicious tacos 👍👍👍

    Oh! And the VSL Taiko drums aren't too shabby either.😃

    ...Sorry man, I just couldn't resist.

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    Jasen: Funny 😊, now I'm hungry.

    I forgot to post it here, I have already contacted valimar with the download file 3 days ago. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @jasensmith said:

    The Sour Cream Salieris are my personal favorite but sinking your teeth into any of them is like you've died and gone to heaven.

    Indeed, I wouldn't be surprised if someone had died after having had anything to do with Salieri. In particular, if there is some big choral piece commissioned.
