Hi everyone,
My PC is finally giving up on me, so I'll be getting a new CPU/motherboard/RAM combination, and maybe a new GPU while I'm at it. It's lasted 11 years, I think that's good going.
I remember it used to be the case that VSL users were advised towards Intel CPUs rather than AMD ones, as Intel ones ran VSL products better. Is that still the case please? I was stuck with an AMD one before, but might switch to Intel this time around if VSL stuff will work better.
I'm currently looking at this Intel chip:
https://pcpartpicker.com/product/WtyV3C/intel-core-i7-9700k-36ghz-8-core-processor-bx80684i79700kOr this AMD one (which can hyperthread, where the Intel one can't, so would probably be better):
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core 3.59Mhz Processor, 64 GB RAM, Windows 10.0.19045, Cubase 10.5.20, Sibelius 7, VEP 5.4.16181, VIP 2.4.16399, Symphonic Cube, MIR Rooms 1-5, Suite, Choir, Organ, Imperial, Solo Voices, Dimension Strings, Historic Winds, World Winds