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  • Moonlit Tryst

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    I'm knee-deep in a number of large-scale works, and needed a distraction from them, so here goes:

    Moonlit Tryst by David Carovillano (youtube link)

    It is scored for string orchestra and string quartet (sordino), as well as harp (all VSL instruments).

    Hope you enjoy!


  • Wonderful piece, Dave, and beautifully rendered. Somehow, you keep improving. Best wishes on the big pieces.

  • Dave,

    That's beautiful, I really like the mood and the interaction between ensemble and quartet.  Also, impressive you distract yourself from big scores with a small score - rather than drinking, gambling, other "distractions."

  • Thanks Tom and Bill!  Glad you both enjoyed it.  Bill, oh I procrastinate as much as the next guy, even if I don't drink of gamble...although, both of those options are looking more enjoyable than tackling some of these projects right now.  Hmmm... :)



  • I am also knee-deep - perhaps neck-deep would be a better description - in my tone poem revision which is in 12/8 but the MIDI is 4/4 with triplets and on top of that it is the most complicated contrapuntally that I've done as well as so many modulations I made it keyless because what's the point of that lame little key signature and - 

    oh, sorry, I got carried away.  I am a little punchy right now.  I will try and calm down. I will listen again to the Moonlit Tryst.  

  • Hey William,

    I hope the process is moving along with your tone poem.  Revisiting music later can lead to a lot of "what the heck was I thinking?" moments, and trying to generate a score from midi is a pain in the best of times.  I feel for ya!

    Key signatures should simply be considered a courtesy...besides not providing them will keep people sharp (pun intended).

    As for the Moonlit Tryst, it's still calming me while working on 4 simultaenous large-scale pieces, with Becky and me taking turns in the studio while the other listens to the avant-garde song stylings of an almost two year old.

    Maybe a drink would be good now :)



  • A soothing and dreamy piece in true Carovillano style. Hmm... I don't know why but I feel like taking a nice long bubble bath. As for key signatures, well I've always thought of them as mere suggestions. Time signatures too. That's probably why nobody ever asks me to play piano for them anymore. That and I don't practice. Nice piece as always Dave thanks for sharing.

  • So, I'll forgo the image of you in the bathtub, Jasen, but if you have an Alexa/Google Home, feel free to stream the piece from the comfort of your bathroom :)



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