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  • "Light Up The Sky"

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    "Big Top Hijinks" and "Saga Symphonic Poem" are tough acts to follow but here's something I wrote for a local fireworks display for the 4th of July.

    Unfortunately, They went with another composers work, Umm... Some guy named Tchaikovsky or something and some Overture 1812 or something or other.

    Anyway, Their loss is your gain so enjoy

    Light Up The Sky

    BTW Even though I wrote it for the 4th of July it'll probably work for any country's independence/patriotic day.

  • Jasen that sounds like a really good march.  Just who does this Tchaikovsky guy think he is anyway?

  • Definitely felt the patriotic pride in this one, Jasen! Thanks for sharing it and just remember, in a hundred years, some young guy's work will be passed over because the powers that be chose to go with Smith instead :) Cheers! Dave

  • Hey guys thank you so much for listening and your kind words. Come to find out this Tchaikovsky cat IS DEAD. Can you believe that? I lost out to a dead guy? How humiliating. I hear he was Russian so I'm sure Putin was pulling the strings behind the scenes here. Russian collusion for sure.

  • PaulP Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on