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  • Newbie questions: Vienna key or eLicenser? Bitwig? Synchron player?

    Hi everyone,

    New member here and also new to orchestration. I've been eyeing the Volume 1 – Essential Orchestra, seems like a great starter pack and easily extensible as I progress. VSL is overwhelming for newbies so I have a couple of questions that a quick search here didn't throw any results for (but the search function here feels like its 1999). Let me know if I should separate my post into multiple threads.

    1) Is there any difference between using the Vienna key or eLicenser? I was under the impression that I had to use both,  but I've seen people claim its either or. If this is true, any differences I should be aware of when chosing?

    2) Anybody here have experience using VSL on Bitwig? I think the Synchron player is based on VST2, so it should work...

    3) I'd like to stay away from Kontakt as much as possible. I just want to confirm my statement above that the Synchron player is indeed a VST plugin that I can call from my DAW without the need for Kontakt.


  • Hi,

    1) Yes, Vienna Key and eLicenser is the same. Vienna Key has a different package, but the dongle is exact the same.

    3) Yes, you don't need Kontakt. All VSL products use VSL player (Vienna Instruments (Pro) for the VI series, Synchron Player for the Synchron series, Synchron Piano Player for the pianos, the plugins provided in different formats, all are available as VST2, and most also as VST3 as well as some other formats).

    Best, Ben

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
  • Thanks Ben,

    Follow-up: If I'm understanding correctly, Vienna key is the hardware licensing control, whereas eLicenser is the software version of it. So, I can use any of them to unlock my VSLs. Why would people chose to pay for a dongle which can be lost, damaged, etc. instead of just using eLicenser?

  • Not exactly. eLicenser is a technology and has a hardware part (eLicenser Key/dongle), and a software part (soft eLicenser and the eLicenser Control Center). All VSL software require the hardware eLicenser Key, so you have to buy one. Vienna Key is just a label for the eLicenser Key.

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
  • Hi carnalex, 

    Our products only work with a hardware USB eLicenser. 

    A simple answer for your question: A hardware key is impossible to crack, and a niche product like ours wouldn't exist without the best copy protection. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • hi carnalex,
    eLicenser is a brand for the USB protection device of the same name from Steinberg

    formerly this protection device was made by a company named Syncrosoft and at this time VSL decided to name it ViennaKey when sold through the VSL WebShop, distributor or authorized dealer and this naming was kept until today.

    all licenses from Steinberg, VSL and several other companies are stored on this "dongle", to download or move such licenses you have to use the "eLicenser Control Center"

    hth, cm

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Thanks for all the helpful answers everyone! Much clearer now.

    I'll be getting my usb unit later today, look forward to get the Essential Orchestra later this week!



  • HI Carnalex, I have a Vienna key on its way to me but am running short on usb ports.  Do I have to have the dongle inserted in my mac the entire time I use the software?  Any insight is appreciated.  Thanks.

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    @153775 said:

    HI Carnalex, I have a Vienna key on its way to me but am running short on usb ports. Do I have to have the dongle inserted in my mac the entire time I use the software? Any insight is appreciated. Thanks.
    Short answer: Yes The software won't work without the key plugged into a USB port. Although I've never tried it you could try using an external USB hub.

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    @153775 said:

    running short on usb ports.  Do I have to have the dongle inserted in my mac the entire time I use the software?  Any insight is appreciated.  Thanks.

    It can work if you, having instantiated it with the key in, make absolutely no change [or save] to your project or file. Once you do (or instantiate a library or plugin that requires it say in VE Pro) it will call the key and you'll have to stick it back in and "Retry"

  • Hello, Sorry if this has already been adressed before. I want to buy a new USB key because mine (steinberg for Cubase pro) is older than 5 years and I just learned about the VSL key policy yesterday. I own several VSL libraries. I never remove the key from its USB slot and the computer never leaves the desk. As far as the USB key two year warranty is concerned, does it make a difference to buy a vienna key or the steinberg key ? I mean, in case of key failure, will VSL treat my case differently if my key is a steinberg one ? It’s easy to get a steinberg key where I live ( Switzerland), not the case for a Vienna Key. Thank you for your help. Cheers,

  • Hi, 

    Yes, you can get a Steinberg key, it will be treated the same. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul, Thank you, I really appreciate your quick answer. I will order the key tonight then. Have a good evening, Francois