For those of you who use REAPER as well as the Synchronized Dimension Strings libraries (full editions, not special edition), I would like to share an articulation management system that may be of use to you!
This system utilizes the amazing Reaticulate reascript. More information on its installation and usage can be found here:
I slightly altered the factory presets of the Dimension Strings so that a single articulation list will trigger the relevant patches in *every* section with a single click (manifested as a program change using Reaticulate). The screenshot linked below shows how the whole thing works in more visual detail:
Whether or not you have violins, violas, cellos, or basses loaded up, the articulations correspond to the same keyswitches and thus you can switch any size of any part out for any other and the articulation programming will match. This includes changing section sizes and string playing modes (open string, force G, etc.) - no matter what instruments you have loaded, the keyswitches will match. Very convenient for quickly playing around with different orchestrations!
The slight exception is with the Double Basses - there is a slightly different articulation list for them since they are missing a few articulations compared to the other sections. However, kudos to VSL for making everything else so damn consistent!
To implement this, download the attached archive file and follow the instructions in the README file. I've done this for all volumes of SYN-ized Dimension Strings, but Vol 2 and 3 will follow suit shortly. I am also making Reaticulate presets for most (and eventually all) of the VI String, Woodwind, and Brass libraries. I will post those in the relevant forum when they are done.
If you have any further questions about how this works or how to use it, don't hesitate to ask! I'll respond as soon as I can.
- Sam
EDIT: I've added presets and banks for Vol. 2 and 3 of SYN-ized Dimension Strings. The attached file is now updated to work with the entire bundle. Have fun!