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  • Mobile to Home/Salve Rig....Cubase 10 and VePro7

    Okay this is my letter of concession. I pride myself on digging deep in manuals and learning things for myself but I present this problem that I am sure there is a solution to that I am just not getting.

    Travel frequently and have a mobile set up. Macbook Pro, Cubase 10.x, VePro7.x. (latest versions) Keep my libraries on two external SSD's and run VePro on single computer.

    Write a song. Save Cubase Project File. Save VePro instances as project. Save in all different forms...coupled...decoupled and so forth.

    Then I come home and hook up my Macbook Pro to an OWC Thunderbolt 3 doc. This is Ethernet connected to my Slave machine running only VePro for samples/libraries. I hook up the same SSD now to the slave. Open VePro on the slave.

    What I would like to happen now, is the cubase project I wrote on the single computer to open and recognize VePro is just 'over there' instead of on the single computer. But it doesnt.

    The best I have gotten is to take the VePro project that I have saved, transfer it to the slave. Open the VePro project on slave, then open the cubase project. Then have to reconnect each instrument rack track within Cubase.

    This is time consuming and I feel like I am missing something. I tried all ways with decoupled and coupled for both saving Cubase and VePro projects. There is even a hint at doing this kind of set up in the manual but no further explination.

    Can anyone help? Absolutely love VePro but as we all know time is the most important thing, and if you multiply this process x10 it can be frustrating in a week of work.

    Thanks for any help!


  • Hi Chris, 

    VE Pro connection is based on 2 factors: 

    1) IP address
    2) instance name (= preserved name). 

    If one of these is different from the information that is saved in your song, you will have to show VE PRO which server it should connect to. 

    We have been talking about a more convenient way to do this, I'll give this another push. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Christopher Sandoval said:

    The best I have gotten is to take the VePro project that I have saved, transfer it to the slave. Open the VePro project on slave, then open the cubase project. Then have to reconnect each instrument rack track within Cubase.

    The first sentence describes the normal MO for decoupled. This is how I work, period. OTOH, your wish prior to that: "the cubase project I wrote on the single computer to open and..." is coupled behavior. I can't know exactly, but the project when coupled may just be looking for the VE Pro project where it last connected to it.

    But, you shouldn't have to reconnect in the rack; the thing you _may_ be missing is preserve instance.

    The simplest MO for maximal flexibility is preserve/decouple.

  • Thank you both for your reply.

    The decoupled route works. And preserved will load correctly on the original set up the song was written on. Its really just about time management. I am not currently running an "all instruments" template where I have a mirror of vepro project loaded on the single computer or slave. I like to grab different things and put them in different places but still have everything bussed and routed so I have a general project template in VePro/Cubase.

    Is there a way for me to save two identical vepro project files and simply edit the IP only? that would be a fairly simple way for me to work around it.


    Thanks again